Every REB Application starts with creating a project in EthOS.  Projects can have different forms. As your research study progresses, you may also need to add subforms to your project, which are also available in EthOS (see Post-Approval Forms for more information).  

Completion Guidance Before You Begin

To submit an application, users navigate through the EthOS dynamic form, answering all the question prompts in each required field. As you complete the form, please keep in mind the following:

  • The questions asked are drawn from the Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct of Research Involving Humans, 2nd Edition
  • U of G and UofGH students must submit an appropriate CORE training certificate and training is highly recommended for the entire research team 
  • Leverage the information buttons as you navigate the form; Research Ethics has added specific and helpful guidance for applicants
  • Read the instructions carefully for each question on the application, ensuring that answers are specific and relevant to the questions
  • All fields are required unless indicated by [Optional] at the start of a question or prompt
  • Tip: Each section has been designed to request specific information, so there will be no need to repeat the same information in multiple places

Creating a Project

To submit an application for review and approval, start by creating a project.

  1. Click on the Create Project button
  2. Type in a Project Title
  • Note: If you are creating a Statement of Intent, add SOI at the beginning of your project title. EthOS does not allow the same project title in two forms, so differentiating your SOI title now will be helpful later when you create your Main REB Application.
  1. Select the appropriate form
  • Disregard the option for Legacy form
  • Select Main REB Application Form for standard REB applications
  • If you are creating a Statement of Intent, see Statement of Intent for more information
  1. Click on the Create button

Step 1 highlights the create project tile. Step 2 highlights the Project Title text box. Step 3 highlights to select the type of form. Step 4 highlights the Create button

  • Note: Creating a project can take some time, and you will see a moving circle graphic while the dynamic form is being created. Do not close your browser while the project is being created.

Once your project is created, EthOS creates a unique Project ID number in the top right of the form area. This number is visible throughout the screens in the application form and in all email notifications. The Project ID number will now be used as the REB number.

This highlights that the ID number is on the right side.

If you have created a Statement of Intent (SOI), EthOS will open the SOI form upon creation. See Statement of Intent for more information. Otherwise, EthOS displays the landing page of the Main REB Application form. From here, you must first enter some additional details to generate your customized form, as outlined below. 

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Entering Initial Details for the Main REB Application

EthOS dynamically generates the appropriate form sections required for your project based on the initial details provided in the Application Overview. To begin this process:

  1. Click on the Applications Overview linkThis is the first step of entering inital data. It highlights the Application Overview button underneath the News and Navigation Tips button
  2. Select the type of application you are creating
    • Note: Refer to the built-in guidance for detailed descriptions of the three options of Standard REB Application, Multi-jurisdictional Research, and REB Exemption.​This indicates the second step of selecting an application type. A text box appears briefly explaining each type of application.
  3. Scroll down the page to enter the requested details and answer the various question prompts; when you reach the bottom of the first page, enter the Project Start date and click on the Save tile.
  4. Now you can continue your form entry in one of two ways:
  • Use the Previous and Next tiles (or buttons at the bottom of the page) to continue answering questions as the form dynamically adapts based on your answers, or
  • From the Actions Pane, click on the Navigate tile to see what form sections EthOS has enabled for your project. Most users prefer this option, but we suggest that you still complete the sections in their sequential order (i.e., do not enter information in a later section of the form before its previous section)This highlights that the Navigate tile, when clicked shows the different sections of the application form

Reminder: You can use the Navigate button at any point while you are completing your application. The Navigate button will always bring you back to the Main REB Application Form overview where you can jump to other tabs or forms sections, or return to your previous section.This is a gif that shows the Navigate tile being clicked that leads you to the sections that need to be completed for the form.

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Layout of the Main REB Application Form

From the Main REB Application Form landing page, you can easily navigate to different parts of the form as you complete your application.This shows the overall layout of the application form. Box 1 highlights a row of tabs that correspond to certain areas of the form. Navigation, Documents, Signatures, Collaborators, Submissions, Correspondence, Centre and History. Box 2 highlights sections of the application form and common questions. Box 3 is toggle to (un)show inactive sections.

1. REB Application Form tabs

Each tab corresponds to certain areas or components of the form and will contain or trigger different functionality.

  • Navigation shows the summary of all the form sections and pages that need to be completed, based on the type of study
  • Documents houses and lists all supporting documents that are attached throughout the form completion process (in response to an “upload document” prompt)
  • Signatures show the signature data for the application; this will be blank until the signature attestation has been completed at the end of the application form (requests for signatures also appear in this section)
  • Collaborators summarize anyone added to the study and their permission levels (which can be edited from here also); by default, the person who created the form will always be shown in this list
  • Correspondence provides the ability to contact the Research Ethics Office, with all correspondence contained thereafter within the project file
  • Submission summarizes submission status and details of the form
  • History updates at each major step of the application submission process as the form moves through the workflow

The functionality of each of these tabs is explained in more detail below in the remainder of the create and submission steps.

2. Main Application Form Sections and Question Pages

No more guesswork! EthOS adjusts depending on your application scenario and ensures that you are completing all the required details for your study.  

  • The main form’s sections are displayed on the left and questions for that section are organized into pages on the right
  • If a page text is blue, the questions on that page will be relevant for your application; click on the blue text to navigate to that page directly
  • If a page text is black, the section is relevant for your application, but that page is not

3. Show Inactive Sections

  • The default view shows only relevant sections 
  • However, to see all possible sections of the main REB application form (including ones that don’t apply to your study), click on the Show Inactive Sections checkbox

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Adding Study Personnel and Sharing Forms

As you navigate through the form, an early step involves adding Study Personnel. Note that adding Study Personnel does not automatically extend access privileges to the form itself – an additional sharing step is required. You can share the form with internal or external collaborators, but everyone must have an active account in EthOS first.

Naming the Principal Investigator and Sharing the Form

Start by identifying the Principal Investigator (PI) – either yourself or another individual:

  1. Click on the information icon for application guidance
  • Reminder: Continue to leverage the built-in form guidance and direction as you proceed with the form because important PI eligibility guidelines are available here
  1. Type in the name of the PI in the Study Personnel field
  • Note: If the name does not appear as an autofill option, contact the PI and ask them to log in to EthOS to activate their account 
  1. Click on the Share button to share the form with the PI if you are not the PI
  2. Select the desired permissions and click on the Share button; a green banner appears when the form has been successfully sharedThis indicates what type of permissions you may give to the chosen collaborator. Read, Write, Submit, Share, Create all sub forms, and Receive notifications are selected for ddrohan@uoguelph.caForm shared successfully text shows in a green banner at the top.

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Naming Additional Study Personnel and Sharing the Form

If you need to add more Study Personnel, scroll down the page and add more names as needed, remembering to add yourself if you are not the PI creating the form.

Note: sharing only works if the collaborator has activated their EthOS account. If the email address does not populate through autofill, first contact the individual and ask them to log into EthOS (external users may need to request an external account first).

  1. Click on the Share button to assign the required permissions for additional Study Personnel
  2. Click on the Add Another button to add additional Study PersonnelThis shows how to share another collaborator. A box highlights where to add the collaborator's email. A highlighted box to the right is the Share button,

Ad-Hoc Form Sharing

Although you will likely name collaborators and provide access as part of the Study Personnel page, you can share the form at any time as needed.

  1. Click on the Share tile in the Action pane
  2. Enter the collaborator’s email address, specify the permissions, and click on the Share button

A highlighted box indicates the Share tile, which shows what type of permissions you may give a collaborator. Sharing my happen at any time during the process but must have activated their EthOS account.

Note: sharing only works if the collaborator has activated their EthOS account. If the email address does not populate through autofill, first contact the individual and ask them to log into EthOS (external users may need to request an external account first).

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Managing Permissions

Individuals with whom you have shared the form appear in the Collaborators tab. You can manage their permissions at any time.

  1. Click on the Collaborators tile from the Actions Pane, or open the Collaborators tab within the application formThere is a box that highlights the Collaborators tile. This is where collaborators are managed.This is the collaborators tab. The name of collaborators show on to the left in a chart, with the access they have to the right. All collaborators are listed as chart. On the right end, there is an edit permissions button,
  2. Locate the Collaborator and click on the Edit Permissions button to adjust their access
  3. Add (or remove) permissions as needed in the Edit Permissions pop-up window and click on the Save buttonOn the Collaborators tab, the edit Permissions button is clicked. You may edit what permissions a collaborator may have. In this example, Read is selected for Mx Joelle Chartrand
  • Note: If you have previously assigned all permissions and now de-select all permissions, this will remove the individual as a named Collaborator.

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Uploading Documents

As you complete the application you will be periodically prompted to upload documents. Some document uploads are optional and some are mandatory. Documents are uploaded from your local drive and must be uploaded one at a time.

  1. Click on the Upload Document button when prompted to upload documentsThis prompts the user to select what Recruitment methods are being used. There is Advertising, Direct contact, Snowball snapping, Other methods and None. None is selected. At the bottom of the prompt, a box highlights the Upload Document button.
  2. Browse for the document, enter the Version Date and Number, and click on the Upload buttonThere are boxes the highlight the position of Document Name text box, the right of that is the Browse button. Then it indicates to enter the Version Date and Version Number. There is a button to the right side, Upload button.

To upload multiple documents, repeat Steps 1 and 2.

Finding Uploaded Documents

Access uploaded documents via the Documents tile or under the Documents tab. Documents can be searched for (on title only), viewed or downloaded at any time.

On the left, the Documents tile is highlighted. When clicked, it shows where you to manage the uploaded documents.

The text box to search documents is highlighted. Beneath that is a chart of the uploaded documents. It shows the Type, Document Name, File Name, Version Date, Version Number, and Size. At the end of this list, there is a Download button for each document. At the bottom right, there is a box highlighting View Selected and Download Selected buttons.

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Collaborator Comments

At any point in the form, the Comments icon supports internal discussions between collaborators while you prepare your application. These comments are not visible to reviewers.

As you make comments, the Comments tile (in the Actions Pane) displays the total number of comments in the overall form. The Comment icon (on the page title line) displays the number of comments for a specific question in the form.

A box highlights the Comments tile. On the far right is a Comments icon with a specified number of comments.

Adding a New Comment

  1. Click on the Comment icon and click on the Add New Comment buttonA screenshot which says No comments have yet been added to this application. (Not visible to reviewers) A box below highlights the Add New Comment button.
  2. Enter the comment and click on the Save buttonA pop up message appears indicating to type and add a new comments. There is a large text box available. In this example, it writes " Did you ever check with Deepa on this?"

The Comment icon and Comments tile update with the new number of comments.

Reading, Editing, Deleting, and Adding More Comments

  1. Click on the Comment icon to see the comment list and history
  2. Edit or Delete the comments (if you are the comment owner), or Add New CommentsA box highlights the Add New Comment button. This pop up gives information about the comment. What the comment says, the date added and the owner of the comment. On the right, there's a box that highlights two buttons, Edit and Delete.

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Built-In Correspondence

As you complete your application, use the Correspondence feature to communicate directly with the Research Ethics office. This will conveniently keep your exchanged messages within the project file for ease of ongoing access and reference. Any collaborators on the form will be able to see and initiate correspondence which means your whole team has full visibility to any project-related messages with the REB office.

To initiate correspondence with the Research Ethics Office:

  1. Click on the Correspondence tile in the Action pane, or
  2. Click on the Correspondence tab in the Main Application Form
  3. Click on the New Correspondence button to begin a new messageThe first box highlights the Correspondence tile which is located on the left. The second box highlights the Correspondence tab which is located on the right of the titles. Both buttons lead you to the Correspondence feature.There is a box highlighting the New Correspondence button. This is to create a new Correspondence.
  4. Enter the message in the Correspond pop-up window; upload files if desired, and click on the Send buttonThis is the Correspond pop-up window. It reads a note saying: "This message will be delivered to members of Ethics Office Correspondence Team" Below that is a large text box, it has an example text. Then there is a box highlighting Choose Files button below the text box. At the bottom right, there is a Send button.

A green banner appears to confirm that your message has been sent. Return to the Correspondence tab at any time to access your sent messages.

  • Note: Where there is an unread message, it appears in the Correspondence tab with a red number.At the corner of the Correspondence tab, has a small red box beside with a number indicating unread messages.

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Completeness Check

A Completeness Check runs automatically prior to signing or requesting a signature but can also be conducted at any time during your application. This feature allows you to quickly identify and access any missing sections or components of your application.

  1. Click on the Completeness Check tileA box that highlights the Completeness Check tab on the left side.

EthOS identifies areas within the form that still require information; links within the Completeness Check take you directly to the question(s) requiring information.

A pop-up message that indicates the incomplete tasks of the form.

  • Note: If there are multiple missing items, run the Completeness Check after making each of your updates to continue linking to other incomplete sections.

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Signatures and Submitting Applications

When you are ready to submit your application, the Principal Investigator (PI) must sign the completed application. If you are the form owner and the PI, you can sign the form. If you are not the PI, you must request the PI’s signature. As soon as the form is signed, it is automatically submitted to the Research Ethics office.

Note: Signatures are completed or requested from the Signatures section in the form (they will eventually appear in, but cannot be triggered from, the Signatures tab).

Signing & Submitting as the Form Owner and Principal Investigator

When you are ready to sign the application, first ensure that you are on the Signatures page of the application form. If you are not, return to the Navigation Overview section and click on the Signatures link.

  • Note: EthOS will automatically run a Completeness Check when you attempt to sign an application; complete any missing information firstA box that highlights the Signatures button.
  1. From the Signatures page, click on the Sign button
  2. Review the Signature Declaration and click on the Accept buttonThe first step highlights the Sign button. After that is clicked, a prompt appears, Signature Declaration. At the bottom of the prompt, the second step highlights the Accept button.
  3. Click on the Sign button in the Sign Form pop-up windowA pop-up message of Sign form. It reads: "Are you sure you wish to sign this form? Note: This form will be automatically submitted when complete." Below that is a box highlighting the Sign button.

Signing automatically submits your application and EthOS displays the Form Queued for Submission page.A thank you message appears when completed signing the form.

The form owner receives a confirmation email.

  • Note: Ensure that you receive the confirmation email to be certain that your application was submitted. If you have not received the email after 30 minutes send an email to RAIMSsupport@uoguelph.ca

Requesting Signature from the Principal Investigator

  1. Click on the Request Signature button from the Signatures page
  2. Enter the PI’s email address, a message if required, and click on the Request buttonA pop-up message appears, titled as "Request a Signature". A box highlights a text box which allows user to enter the email address of the person you want to sign this form. A Request button is below that.
  3. An email notification is sent to the PI with a link to the application requiring the signature.
  4. The PI can then review the Signature Declaration and sign the form.
  5. Once the PI signs the application, it is automatically submitted and the form owner receives an email confirmation
  6. In the form, the Signatures tab updates to show that the PI has signed the application, including the date and time, and the Submissions tab shows the status of Submitted by Applicant.The Signature tab is highlighted. Then below Signature Requests, the type, Principial Investigator is highlighted. On the right, it highlights Status and Response Date.This shows submissions, highlighting the Review Status.

Note: EthOS processes the automatic submissions in batch cycles every ten minutes; please allow up to ten minutes for your status to change from Submission in Progress to Submitted by Applicant and to receive the confirmation email.

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View Applications as PDF

You may wish to view a completed form as one document outside of EthOS. There are various use cases for this feature:

  • EthOS does not currently support full-text searches within applications; however, if you generate a PDF file, a full-text search can be completed outside of EthOS
  • Scrolling through the form in a PDF view provides a holistic view of the application’s contents and which sections have been generated for your application
  • Note: Contents of any uploaded documents will not appear in the PDF
  • The PDF file can be printed for any hard-copy requirements

PDF generation can be triggered from various places within the form, but the most common option is from the Actions Pane.

  1. Click on the View as PDF tile to generate a download Application.pdf fileThis highlights the View as PDF tile.
  2. Click on the View button
  • Note: The View as PDF pop-up window appears (you do not need to select the tabular summaries checkbox)

In the View as PDF pop-up, It shows an optional choice of with tabular summaries. At the bottom, a box highlights the View button,

The PDF generates inside one of your browser window tabs and may take a minute to load fully. Download the PDF file from your browser window and open it from your computer’s download folder.

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