Academic Programs
Become an undergraduate or graduate student at the University of Guelph.
Research Opportunities
Become involved in student research opportunities at the University.
Research Participants Needed
In addition to or rather than conducting research yourself, you can volunteer to be a participant in a research study.
Project SOY Plus
Project SOY Plus (Sustainable Opportunities for You) is an annual student competition that challenges students to look towards a more sustainable future through two competition streams. Student may develop an innovative product concept within the scope of the yearly theme or submit a written proposal and poster for a creative piece (incl. sculptures, paintings, prints, mixed media, photography, video art, poetry, written works, music, etc.) drawing connections between the theme, innovation, and research.
Publish your Undergraduate Research (SURG)
Studies by Undergraduate Researchers at Guelph (SURG) is a refereed, multi-disciplinary electronic journal that publishes research articles by University of Guelph undergraduate students. Developed through co-operation of the University's Office of Research and the McLaughlin Library, SURG is an open-access journal, available for free to everyone with access to the Internet.