Before funds awarded may be deposited and expended, the Research Services Office requires that protocols for the use of animals, human participants or biohazards have been approved. Once these approvals are confirmed (if applicable), the Research Services Office will proceed to enable researchers’ access to funding by setting up a project-specific account.

  • The Tri-Agencies (NSERC, SSHRC, and CIHR) notify Research Support Services when awards have been made.
  • Most other sponsors will send the applicant a funding notice. To ensure that a research account is opened as quickly as possible, the applicant should send the notice to the Research Services Office for processing. The original application or proposal will be retrieved, along with the OR-5 Form submitted at the time of proposal.
  • When funding has been awarded and documentation signed by the sponsor and the University, Research Support Services (RSS) will assign a research account number, open the account, and send account information to the principal investigator, their departmental administrative assistant, and Research Financial Services.
  • In exceptional cases, if a definite commitment by the sponsor has been made, the Associate Vice-President (Research) may authorize the opening of an account before an agreement is finalized.  Refer to Early Set Up of Research Account process for additional information.
  • In the event the applicant receives notification that their project will NOT be funded, the notification should also be sent to the Research Services Office so the file may be updated.

Use of Funds, Statements of Accounts, Overexpenditures

  • Research funds awarded to the University are accounted for by Research Financial Services.
  • Funds may be expended as needed by the principal investigator in accordance with the conditions of the contract, agreement or award and the policies and procedures of the University.
  • Statements of accounts may be provided by Research Financial Services to the principal investigator and their departmental administrative assistant. Research Financial Services will also prepare financial statements required by agencies and sponsors.
  • Principal investigators and academic units are responsible for any overexpenditures. Principal investigators should not undertake additional research which might require additional funds unless the sponsor is in agreement. The Dean/ADR is responsible for resolving account deficits and any overexpenditures.

Early Set Up of Research Account

Circumstances may arise where the principal investigator requests access to an account before the required documentation is complete. The Research Services Office recommends early account set ups only in extenuating circumstances.