Sponsorship requests related to research events, e.g. conferences, symposia or workshops, should be directed to the Office of the Vice-President (Research) through the appropriate ADR for consideration. When assessing these requests, research events, conferences/symposia/workshops, must be shown to fulfill the following requirements:  

  1. Have explicit, prominent, posted policies for diversity/inclusivity and respectful participation/anti-harassment that ensure diversity in speakers and attendees, and promote a safe, participatory environment for all participants - useful guidelines can be found at: http://journals.plos.org/ploscompbiol/article?id=10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003903; helpful example: http://dnabarcodes2015.org/program/conference-policies/.
  2. Align with college/departmental priorities, and are endorsed by the Dean, ADR, and/or Department Chair through financial support that the college/department is prepared to provide to the conference/symposia/workshop
  3. Include a detailed budget. Sponsorship is usually provided for specific budgeted items that include, but are not limited to: travel and accommodation costs of a keynote speaker and/or student participants; poster presentation session or plenary session; awards for student/post-doc speakers
  4. Normally will take place at UofG campuses/facilities, or in the nearby community
  5. Have a clear research benefit to the faculty and/or students at UofG
  6. Include a fairly large number of UofG students, research staff, and faculty as participants

The Office of the Vice President (Research) is unable to provide support for pedagogical conferences. Faculty members are encouraged to contact the Associate Vice-President (Academic) to inquire about support for pedagogical conferences/symposia/workshops.

For additional information regarding the process of sponsorship requests please refer to the Sponsorship Request memo.