Funding and Peer Review

The Animal Care Committee (ACC) must ensure that a research project has undergone Scientific Merit Review (SMR). Educational courses must undergo review for pedagogical merit (PMR). The main focus of the ACC is on the review of ethical animal use and the ACC therefore remains at arms’ length from the SMR and PMR processes. An ACC member may not function as a scientific peer reviewer. Officials with the Office of Research confirm that each project has been found to have either scientific or educational merit.

Scientific Merit Review

Funding agencies that conduct SMR will normally satisfy the requirement for internal peer review. If no such process is in place, an internal SMR through the university must be conducted. The Principal Investigator (PI) may suggest scientific peer reviewers at the time of the AUP submission.

Pedagogical Merit Review

Pedagogical merit review for AUPs related to Animal-Based teaching or training is conducted through a the Pedagogical Merit Review committee.  Please refer to the Guideline for Pedagogical Merit Review of Animal-Based Teaching for more details. 

  • For Course instructors: Pedagogical Merit form - Course instructors are to complete and submit this form to initiate review

The review form to be used by the PMR Committee to assess pedagogical merit is provided for reference purposes only:

Environmental Health and Safety

PIs are required to list all potential hazards to humans associated with the study or project, and to indicate plans for safe practices related to the management of potential hazards throughout the project. Human hazards include, but are not limited to, physical (e.g. working with large animals or wildlife), chemical (e.g. drugs or solvents) and biological (e.g. human pathogens). The office of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) ensures that information is forwarded to the PI about required or recommended safe practices. Please contact EHS directly with questions regarding biosafety, hazardous materials management, and the process for obtaining a Biohazard Permit.

Required Permits and Consent Forms

If approval from external agencies is required for a study it is the PI’s responsibility to ensure all necessary permits and licenses are obtained prior to the commencement of any live animal use. Examples include federal and provincial permits for land use and wildlife animal capture and holding. Permits must be included with the AUP submission as supporting documentation. If a project involves the participation of client owned animals, the ACC asks that a copy of the owner consent form be attached with the AUP submission.