Banner for Arboretum Gene Bank Arboretum Gene Bank

Preserves the genetic diversity of some of Ontario’s rare woody plants and Dutch Elm Disease-resistant elms, and produces seed for restoration work.

Group photo from Bioconversion Network 2010 Annual General Meeting Bioconversion Network

Aimed at developing energy efficient, commercially viable and environmentally sustainable biomass conversion process that generates ethanol and high-value co-products. Mandated to generate innovations that will accelerate Canada’s transition from a petroleum-based to a bio-based economy.

Logo for Bioproducts Discovery and Development Centre Bioproducts Discovery and Development Centre

Produces greener bioproducts as substitutes for non-renewable materials in many manufacturing sectors, consumer goods and services.

Canadian Arthritis Network Preclinical Laboratory

Addresses preclinical research and development as well as early clinical trials.

Logo for Canadian Co-operative Wildlife Health Centre Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative (CWHC)

The Ontario/Nunavut regional centre of the Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative is located within the Ontario Veterinary College at the University of Guelph. The team, which is made up of faculty members, pathologists, technical and administrative staff, provides expertise in wildlife disease diagnostics, contributes to Canada's national wildlife health surveillance program, provides educational programs, information, and consultation to government and non-government agencies, and participates in research and wildlife health management activities.