
The GRPM course introduces graduate students to the management of scholarly and research projects, including administrative and ethical concerns. The course covers several disciplines; encouraging an inter-disciplinary exchange of expertise.

  • 11 one-hour sessions will be presented.
  • Completion of 9 of the 11 sessions will earn you a Certificate of Recognition.
  • Course is FREE, but registration LIMITED.
  • The course is regularly oversubscribed and has a waiting list; please register only if you are able to attend most or all of the sessions.

Questions?  Contact Milka Popov, Research Projects Manager:

If you wish to withdraw from the course, please email with the subject line “Withdrawal from the GRPM course”.

Time and Location

All sessions will be held on Tuesdays from 12:00pm - 1:00pm.  Location UC 442.


The course registration will open Friday, October 18, 2019, at 9 am.

To register, visit the EventLink registration page.

Session List

  1. Welcome, Introduction to Office of Research & Preparing for a Research Career in Academia
  2. Preparing for a Research Career in Industry
  3. Preparing for a Research Career in Government
  4. Grant Writing
  5. Intellectual Property and Commercialization
  6. Research Integrity and Conflict of Interest
  7. Working with Live Subjects: Human Ethics & Animal Care
  8. Knowledge Mobilization - Social Media
  9. Publishing in Academic Journals - CANCELLED
  10. Conducting International Research - CANCELLED
  11. Data Management & Integrity - CANCELLED

Session 1 - Welcome, Introduction to Office of Research & Preparing for a Research Career in Academia

Date: January 14, 2020


  • Karina McInnis, Associate Vice-President (Research Services)
  • Dr. Beverley Hale, Associate Vice-President, Research (Agri-Food Partnership) and Professor School of Environmental Sciences
  • Dr. Andrew Bailey, Associate Dean (Research and Graduate Studies), College of Arts and Associate Professor of Philosophy

This session will welcome you to the course with introductory remarks offered by the Associate Vice-President Research Services. The session will then focus on what a research career in academia is really like (e.g. duties, demands, challenges, rewards, drivers, etc.) and what you need to know to prepare for a career in research in an academic setting.

Session 2 - Preparing for a Research Career in Industry

Date: January 21, 2020


  • Leah Lambrakis, Vice President, Research & Development and Innovation, Simmons Pet Food Inc.

What is it really like to work in the private sector? This session will explore the duties, demands, challenges, rewards, drivers associated with working in industry, and what you need to know to prepare for a career in research in an industry setting.

Session 3 - Preparing for a Research Career in Government

Date: January 28, 2020


  • Jacqui Empson- Laporte, Program Specialist, Ontario Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Rural Affairs
  • Dr. Carolee Carson, Veterinary Epidemiologist, Public Health Agency of Canada
  • Dr. Jane Parmley, Associate Professor, Department of Population Medicine, Ontario Veterinary College

How are research and evidence used in government, and what are some of the skills managers in government might be looking for? This session will explore how research influences policy development and what potential career paths can lead into government.

Session 4 - Grant Writing

Date: February 4, 2020


  • Dr. Ajay Heble, Professor, School of English and Theatre Studies and Director, International Institute for Critical Studies in Improvisation
  • Dr. Michele Oliver, Professor, School of Engineering

Grant proposals require a compelling narrative that captures reviewers’ attention and convinces them that you are knowledgeable, prepared, and fully capable of completing the proposed research in the allotted time frame. Different granting agencies and disciplines all have unique requirements and expectations; yet, most grant proposals possess common features. In this session, presenters will provide general insight into the review process and offer writing tips on how to craft a successful grant proposal.

Session 5 - Intellectual Property and Commercialization

Date: February 11, 2020


  • David Hobson, Manager Technology Transfer, Research Innovation Office

Do you know what intellectual property is and what your rights are? In this session, we will learn from the University's technology transfer office about different types of intellectual property and how to protect it. We will then discuss what is involved in taking a discovery (or idea) to a business or social venture.

Session 6 - Research Integrity and Conflict of Interest

Date: February 25, 2020


  • Jill Rogers, Managing Director, Office of Research
  • Randy Ragan, Manager Legal Review, Office of Research

All investigators (faculty, staff, students) have certain professional obligations in the conduct of research. This session will explore what it means to follow best research practices, and what is considered research misconduct. Different case studies will be presented. Particular attention will be paid to conflicts of interest, including how to tell if you are in one and what to do about it if you are.

Session 7 - Working with Live Subjects: Human Ethics & Animal Care

Date: March 3, 2020


  • Katelyn Wadleigh, Manager Research Ethics, Office of Research
  • Dr. Anna Bolinder, Assistant Director, Animal Care Services, Office of Research

Do you plan to work with humans or animals in the course of your research? Both types of research have very important requirements and considerations. The Human Ethics presentation will review the process of ethical clearance, why it’s important, when it is needed, how it can help you, and how long it will take. The Animal Care presentation will introduce you to how the use of animals in research is regulated, and why such regulations are important. Get an overview of the legislative framework and the University’s training and competency requirements - essential information for anyone who will use animals in the course of their research.

Session 8 - Knowledge Mobilization - Social Media

Date: March 10, 2020


  • Melanie Parlette-Stewart, MLIS, Rsearch & Scholarship Librarian, McLaughlin Library, U of G

Social media is becoming an increasingly important platform for communication, collaboration and knowledge translation. In this session, you will learn how to develop your professional online identity, use social media to advance and promote your research program, and use "altmetrics" to measure your online influence. These tools will be useful to building a research career in any discipline.

Session 9 - Publishing in Academic Journals - CANCELLED


  • Dr. Stephen LeBlanc, Professor Population Medicine, Ontario Veterinary College
  • Christopher Popovich, Research & Scholarship Librarian, McLaughlin Library, U of G

So you want to publish in an academic journal. Do you know what your rights are as authors or what you should be negotiating when you submit work for publication? What resources are there on campus to help you? What are successful strategies for getting your work published?

Session 10 - Conducting International Research - CANCELLED


  • Dr. Sharada Srinivasan, Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
  • Lynne Mitchell, Director and International Liaison Officer, Centre for International Programs

Are you interested in conducting field work abroad? This session will explore the challenges and opportunities of conducting research in another country. The session will also cover the various services and policies the University has in place to assist students and faculty as they conduct work outside of Canada to avoid exposure to undue risk.

Session 11 - Data Management & Integrity - CANCELLED


  • Amy Buckland, Head, Research & Scholarship, McLaughlin Library, U of G

Research projects often involve the use of data, either collected by the researcher or obtained through the university’s access to an exceptional array of regional, national and international data resources. Effectively utilizing, managing and protecting research data is a large part of the research process. Join us in exploring the services and resources available to you as you begin your research project. Open access initiatives and trends in research funding requirements.