
Date Room Presenter(s) Topic
Thur. Aug 11, 2022
12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Dr. Kimberly Francis, Professor of Music, School of Fine Art and Music

Dr. Ataharul Chowdhury, Associate Professor, School of Environmental Design & Rural Development

Grant Writing in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

Mon. Aug 15, 2022
11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Dr. Beverly Hale, Professor and Associate VP Research (Agri-Food Partnership)

Dr. Elena Choleris, Professor, Department of Psychology

Dr. Ben DeVries, Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Environment & Geomatics

Grant Writing in the Natural Sciences and Engineering

(Presentation files from August 15)

Wed. Sept 14, 2022
11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Dr. Sharada Srinivasan, Associate Professor, & Canada Research Chair in Gender, Justice and Development, Department of Sociology & Anthropology

Dr. Wei Zhang, Assistant Professor and CIFAR Global Scholar, Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology

Early Career Researchers: Advice to Get Started

(Presentation files from September 14)

Wed. Nov 4, 2022
12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Karina McInnis, Associate Vice-President, Research Services (Moderator)

Dr. Michelle Edwards, Director, Agri-Food Data Strategy, Office of Research

Lucia Costanzo, Research and Scholarship Librarian, McLaughlin Library

Dr. Mary Ruth McDonald, Professor, Department of Plant Agriculture

Data Management Plans and Open Access

Tue. Nov 22, 2022
11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Amanda Sawlor, Director, Research Financial Services

Financial Reporting System – live demo for researchers

(Presentation Files from November 22)

Wed. Jan 18, 2023
12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Dr. Karl Cottenie, Associate Dean, Graduate Studies & Associate Professor, Department of Integrative Biology 

Dr. Emmanuelle Arnaud, Assistant Dean (Graduate Programs), OAC & Associate Professor, School of Environmental Sciences 

Dr. Sandeep Mishra, Associate Professor, Department of Management 

Best Practices in Graduate Student Recruitment and Supervision

Mon. Feb 13, 2023
12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.


Dr. Stephen LeBlanc, Professor, Population Medicine 

Dr. Laurie Barclay, Professor and Lang Chair in Leadership, Department of Management 

Christopher Popovich, Research & Scholarship Librarian, McLaughlin Library 

Publishing Your Research, Tips from Editors

(Presentation Files from February 13)

Mon. Mar 27, 2023
1:00 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.


Dr. Amy Greer, Canada Research Chair in Population Disease Modeling and Associate Professor& Graduate Program Coordinator, Department of Population Medicine 

Dr. Simon Somogyi, Arrell Chair in the Business of Food & Professor, School of Hospitality, Food & Tourism Management 

Melanie Parlette-Stewart, MLIS, Head, Learning & Curriculum Support, McLaughlin Library 

Using Social Media to Promote Your Research & Expertise

Wed. Apr 19, 2023
12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.


Dr. Leanne Son Hing, Professor, Department of Psychology, SSHRC-funded EDI researcher, Former CIFAR Fellow

Dr. Graham Taylor, Professor, School of Engineering, Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Machine Learning

Joanne Garcia-Moores, PhD Candidate, Indigenization & EDI Advisor in Research, Research Services Office

Creating and Sustaining Diverse Research Teams

(Presentation Files from April 19)

Session descriptions

August 11, 2022 - Grant Writing in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

Led by

  • Dr. Kimberly Francis, Professor of Music, School of Fine Art and Music
  • Dr. Ataharul Chowdhury, Associate Professor, School of Environmental Design & Rural Development

Successful grant recipients will present general strategies for writing research grant applications, including identifying and addressing the relevant "audience", minimizing risks, framing the application, balancing detailed and general information, presentation style, the importance of peer review and more. This is an opportunity to have general grant writing questions discussed.

August 15, 2022 - Grant Writing in the Natural Sciences and Engineering

Led by

  • Dr. Beverly Hale, Professor and Associate VP Research (Agri-Food Partnership)
  • Dr. Elena Choleris, Professor, Department of Psychology
  • Dr. Ben DeVries, Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Environment & Geomatics

Successful grant recipients will present general strategies for writing research grant applications, including identifying and addressing the relevant "audience", minimizing risks, framing the application, balancing detailed and general information, presentation style, the importance of peer review and more. This is an opportunity to have general grant writing questions discussed.

September 14, 2022 - Early Career Researchers: Advice to Get Started

Led by

  • Dr. Sharada Srinivasan, Associate Professor, & Canada Research Chair in Gender, Justice and Development, Department of Sociology & Anthropology
  • Dr. Wei Zhang, Assistant Professor and CIFAR Global Scholar, Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology

This session will provide early career researchers with tips from which to start to build a successful research program. Speakers will address the need to: i) identify and understand expectations, ii) clarify your research needs, iii) set realistic goals, iv) develop a plan for achieving goals, and v) identify and manage individual barriers to achieving goals and more.

November 4, 2022 - Data Management Plans and Open Access

Moderated by

  • Karina McInnis, Associate Vice-President, Research Services

Led by

  • Dr. Michelle Edwards, Director, Agri-Food Data Strategy, Office of Research
  • Lucia Costanzo, Research and Scholarship Librarian, McLaughlin Library
  • Dr. Mary Ruth McDonald, Professor, Department of Plant Agriculture

Are these plans more than just another funding requirement? Where do data management plans come into play and what support is available at UofG? Join us as we explore what this all means to your research.

November 22, 2022 - Financial Reporting System – live demo for researchers

Led by

  • Amanda Sawlor, Director, Research Financial Services

Research Financial Services will provide an overview of the Financial Reporting System (FRS), including some tips and suggestions about the My Grants Tracker tool, as well as highlight some of the resources available through Research Financial Services. The presentation will be structured in a way to allow for plenty of question-and-answer time.

Some highlights of the session will include system access and navigation, selecting the best system options to view grants, reports most valuable to researchers, and FRS contacts. A live demo will be used to show the use of various functions, including My Grants Tracker, Grants Summary reports, search function, OMAFRA projects, and more.

January 18, 2023 - Best Practices in Graduate Student Recruitment and Supervision 

Led by

  • Dr. Karl Cottenie, Associate Dean, Graduate Studies & Associate Professor, Department of Integrative Biology
  • Dr. Emmanuelle Arnaud, Assistant Dean (Graduate Programs), OAC & Associate Professor, School of Environmental Sciences
  • Dr. Sandeep Mishra, Associate Professor, Department of Management

In this session, experienced graduate student supervisors will share their best practices and strategies for recruiting graduate student trainees and assisting students in successful degree completion. They will also share tips that will help researchers build and maintain diverse and inclusive teams, manage expectations and challenges, and support career development.

February 13, 2023 - Publishing Your Research, Tips from Editors 

Led by

  • Dr. Stephen LeBlanc, Professor, Population Medicine
  • Dr. Laurie Barclay, Professor and Lang Chair in Leadership, Department of Management
  • Christopher Popovich, Research & Scholarship Librarian, McLaughlin Library

This session will offer helpful tips on choosing a journal, preparing and submitting manuscripts using reporting guidelines, and responding to reviews, including ones that seem overly critical or to miss the point. Considerations for open access publications, writing books and book chapters will also be addressed.

March 27, 2023 - Using Social Media to Promote Your Research & Expertise

Led by

  • Dr. Amy Greer, Canada Research Chair in Population Disease Modeling and Associate Professor& Graduate Program Coordinator, Department of Population Medicine 
  • Dr. Simon Somogyi, Arrell Chair in the Business of Food & Professor, School of Hospitality, Food & Tourism Management 
  • Melanie Parlette-Stewart, MLIS, Head, Learning & Curriculum Support, McLaughlin Library 

Why use social media like Twitter, LinkedIn, video and more? This session will explore how to use social media technologies to make your research and expertise more visible. In this session, there will be practical tips for building your personal brand and social media identity. Join us as we review examples of various social media tools and discuss how to build an effective social media strategy.

April 19, 2023 - Creating and Sustaining Diverse Research Teams

Led by

  • Dr. Leanne Son Hing, Professor, Department of Psychology, SSHRC-funded EDI researcher, Former CIFAR Fellow
  • Dr. Graham Taylor, Professor, School of Engineering, Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Machine Learning
  • Joanne Garcia-Moores, PhD Candidate, Indigenization & EDI Advisor in Research, Research Services Office

This session will present evidence and experience about how to create and sustain a diverse team of researchers, and/or research collaborators through conscious practices of equity and inclusion. We’ll discuss the difference between diversity as representation versus more sustainable forms of diversity. We’ll also touch on granting agency EDI expectations related to research teams and how to communicate your individual EDI philosophy and approach in grant applications.