
Date Room Proposed Presenter(s) Topic

Fri. Sept 10, 2021
11:00 a.m. – noon


Dr. Malcolm Campbell, Vice-President (Research)

Dr. Sharada Srinivasan, Associate Professor, & Canada Research Chair in Gender, Justice and Development, Department of Sociology & Anthropology

Dr. Jamie Burr, Associate Professor, Department of Human Health & Nutritional Sciences

Early Career Researchers: Advice to Get Started

Wed. Sept 15, 2021
12:00 - 1:00 p.m.

Dr. Louise Grogan, Professor, Department of Economics and Finance

Dr. David MacDonald, Professor, Department of Political Science

Enhancing Competitiveness of Research Grants – Social Sciences and Humanities

Wed. Sept 29, 2021
12:00 - 1:00 p.m.

Dr. Dorothee Bienzle, Professor, Department of Pathobiology

Dr. Eric Poisson, Professor, Department of Physics

Enhancing Competitiveness of Research Grants – Natural Sciences and Engineering

Wed. Nov 3, 2021
12:00 - 1:00 p.m.

Dr. Todd Gillis, Professor, Interim Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Studies, College of Biological Science

Dr. Meghan McMurtry, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology

Successful Mid-Career Researcher Strategies

Tues. Nov 23, 2021
12:00 - 1:00 p.m.

Amanda Sawlor, Director, Research Financial Services

Managing Your Research Budget with the My Grants Tracker Tool

Fri. Jan 21, 2022
11:00  a.m. - 12:15 p.m.

Dr. Malcolm Campbell, Vice-President (Research)  

Melanie Parlette-Stewart, MLIS, Head, Learning & Curriculum Support 

Dr. Nigel Raine, Professor, Rebanks Family Chair in Pollinator Conservation, School of Environmental Sciences 

Using Social Media to Promote Your Research

Wed. Apr 20, 2022
12:00 - 1:00 p.m.

Dr. Elizabeth Jackson, Director, Commun​ity Engaged Scholarship Institute, University of Guelph

Dr. Jeji Varghese, Associate Professor - Environmental/Natural Resource Sociology, Department of Sociology and Anthropology

Community Engaged Scholarship: A Pathway to Research Impact


Wed. June 1, 2022
12:00 - 1:00 p.m.

Lori Bona Hunt, Director, Integrated Communications and Editor, Portico magazine, Communications and Marketing

Media Training for Researchers

Session descriptions

Sept 10, 2021 - Early Career Researchers: Advice to Get Started

Led by

  • Dr. Malcolm Campbell, Vice-President (Research)
  • Dr. Sharada Srinivasan, Associate Professor, & Canada Research Chair in Gender, Justice and Development, Department of Sociology & Anthropology
  • Dr. Jamie Burr, Associate Professor, Department of Human Health & Nutritional Sciences

This session will provide early career researchers with tips from which to start to build a successful research program. Speakers will address the need to: i) identify and understand expectations, ii) clarify your research needs, iii) set realistic goals, iv) develop a plan for achieving goals, and v) identify and manage individual barriers to achieving goals and more.

Sept 15 , 2021 - Enhancing Competitiveness of Research Grants – Social Sciences and Humanities

Led by

  • Dr. Louise Grogan, Professor, Department of Economics and Finance
  • Dr. David MacDonald, Professor, Department of Political Science

Successful grant recipients will present general strategies for writing research grant applications, including identifying and addressing the relevant "audience", minimizing risks, framing the application, balancing detailed and general information, presentation style, the importance of peer review and more. This is an opportunity to have general grant writing questions discussed.

Sept 29, 2021 - Enhancing Competitiveness of Research Grants – Natural Sciences and Engineering

Led by

  • Dr. Dorothee Bienzle, Professor, Department of Pathobiology
  • Dr. Eric Poisson, Professor, Department of Physics

Successful grant recipients will present general strategies for writing research grant applications, including identifying and addressing the relevant "audience", minimizing risks, framing the application, balancing detailed and general information, presentation style, the importance of peer review and more. This is an opportunity to have general grant writing questions discussed.

Nov 3, 2021 – Successful Mid-Career Researcher Strategies

Led by

  • Dr. Todd Gillis, Professor, Interim Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Studies, College of Biological Science
  • Dr. Meghan McMurtry, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology

Experienced researchers will discuss opportunities and challenges for mid-career researchers, balancing career goals and directions, building and managing research portfolio.

Nov 23, 2021 - Managing Your Research Budget with the My Grants Tracker Tool

Led by

  • Amanda Sawlor, Director, Research Financial Services

This session will provide you with tips and suggestions about the grants tracker tool, as well as highlight some of the resources available through the Research Financial Services. The presentation will be structured in a way to allow for plenty of question-and-answer time.

Jan 21, 2022 - Using Social Media to Promote Your Research

Led by

  • Dr. Malcolm Campbell, Vice-President (Research)  
  • Melanie Parlette-Stewart, MLIS, Head, Learning & Curriculum Support 
  • Dr. Nigel Raine, Professor, Rebanks Family Chair in Pollinator Conservation, School of Environmental Sciences 

Why use social media like Twitter, LinkedIn, video and more? This session will explore how to use social media technologies to make your research more visible. In this session, there will be practical tips for building your social media identity. Join us as we review examples of various social media tools and discuss how to build an effective social media strategy.

Apr 20, 2022 - Community Engaged Scholarship: A Pathway to Research Impact (CANCELLED - New Date TBA)

Led by

  • Dr. Elizabeth Jackson, Director, Commun​ity Engaged Scholarship Institute, University of Guelph
  • Dr. Jeji Varghese,  Associate Professor - Environmental/Natural Resource Sociology, Department of Sociology and Anthropology

This session will focus on principles and practices of community engaged scholarship, a form of collaborative research that addresses community-identified priorities. Speakers will provide an overview of principles, good practices, and the community engaged research cycle.  Speakers will also share case studies demonstrating how engaged research can support and deepen research impact, including the ways that anti-oppressive principles can enable research to address systemic inequities.

June 1, 2022 - Media Training for Researchers

Led by

  • Lori Bona Hunt, Director, Integrated Communications and Editor, Portico magazine, Communications and Marketing

Is your research generating media interest? Are you unsure of how to answer questions from reporters? Have you been asked to weigh in on an issue that is making headlines? Are you looking to get media attention for your latest research? 

Come and learn how to promote your research in the media and get tips on handling interview requests from an experienced communications expert.