Next Review Date: April 2021
Administrative Responsibility: Research Services Office
Office Accountable: Office of the Vice-President Research

Committee Goal

The Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) in Research Advisory Committee reports to the Vice-President (Research) (VPR) and the University Inclusion Steering Committee. The EDI in Research Advisory Committee will advise the VPR and the Steering Committee on strategies to address systemic barriers that hinder full participation in the research enterprise by members of underrepresented or disadvantaged groups. These groups include, but are not limited to, women, Indigenous Peoples (First Nations, Inuit and Métis), persons with disabilities, members of visible minority/racialized groups and members of LGBTQ2+ communities.


  1. Awareness and Understanding
    • Advise the Vice-President (Research) on strategies for the promotion and practice of EDI within the research enterprise at the University of Guelph.
  2. Alignment
    • Review, oversee and advise on the development of research policies and procedures that meet funding agency EDI requirements and align with the University’s collective agreements, employment equity plans, and other University EDI initiatives.
  3. Action
    • Advise and make recommendations for the development and implementation of tools and resources to promote and support EDI in research project design and implementation.
    • Advise on resourcing the implementation and oversight of the University’s plan to integrate and embed EDI in the research enterprise and the University’s commitment to the Dimensions Charter.
    • Via its participation in the University Inclusion Steering Committee, inform the University’s EDI data collection, analysis, and action planning as relevant to the research enterprise.
  4. Accountability
    • Report on activities and recommendations to the central University Inclusion Steering Committee and the Vice-President (Research).
    • Advise the Vice-President (Research) and the Provost and Vice-President Academic on the Canada Research Chair EDI Action Plan and advise for course correction as needed.


  • Associate Vice-President Research Services (Chair)
  • Assistant Vice-President Graduate Studies and Post-doctoral Fellows
  • Assistant Vice-President Diversity and Human Rights
  • Assistant Vice-President Faculty and Academic Staff Relations
  • One faculty representative from each College*

*Colleges will recommend faculty members to the Vice-President Research.


  • Faculty representatives: two-year term, renewable once
  • All others are permanent members of the advisory committee

Record of Meetings

  • The Research Services Office will provide administrative support for the Committee.