Documentsort descending Area Type
REB Application - Supplement II - Secondary Use of Data

Include ONLY IF this rpoject will involve the secondary use of data or human tissue samples. Submit along with the main REB Application. If your project ONLY involves secondary use of data, please submit the main REB Application (Omit Sections F, H, J, K, L) and Supplement II.

human participants form
REB Application - Supplement III - Cross Cultural Research

Include ONLY IF this project involves Indigenous peoples, or any culturally distinct identifiable group, please submit the main REB Application and Supplement III.

human participants form
REB Application - Supplement IV - Biological Specimens

Include ONLY IF this project will involves the collection of physical samples from a human, please submit the main REB Application and Supplement IV.

human participants form
REB Application - Supplement V - Clinical Trials

Include ONLY IF this project is a clinical trial. See Chapter 11 of the TCSP2 for the definition of a clinical trial, please submit the main REB Application and Supplement V.

human participants form
REB Application - Supplement VI - Course-based Research

This supplement should be completed ONLY IF this project is being done by students to fulfill the requirements of a course. This does not include honours thesis students, or graduate students, please submit the main REB Application and Supplement VI.

human participants form
REB Application to Involve Human Participants in Research

Complete this form when you require human participants for your research.

human participants form
REB Event Form

Must be submitted if something occurs during the course of your research project which should be communicated to the REB. The form provides guidance on the types of information which must be reported, but feel free to use this form to report an occurrence you feel is important. Check with the Director, Research Ethics if you're not sure about reporting.

human participants form
REB SOP 001 - VO2 Mouthpiece Cleaning

VO2 mouthpiece cleaning protocol

human participants procedure
REB SOP 002 - Post Percutaneous Needle Biopsy Recommendations

Post Percutaneous Needle Biopsy Recommendations

human participants procedure
REB SOP 003 - Participant Transportation

SOP regarding Participant Transportation 

human participants procedure
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