Animal User Training Program Workshops

Required training determined from information on relevant Animal Utilization Protocols and based on the role of the trainee, animal species and procedures involved.

AUP Help Drop-In Sessions

For all animal users that require support with Animal Utilization Protocol submissions, Animal Care Services offers weekly in-person or online drop in sessions.

Ask Anything! - Grants & Agreements

A weekly session where you can connect with Research Support Services to ask questions regarding grants and agreements.

Brown Bag Lunch on Research Ethics

A weekly session where you can bring your lunch and questions for a discussion with the Director, Research Ethics.

Brown Bag Lunch on Research Security

A weekly session where you can learn more about research security and/or are planning on applying for federal or provincial funding and would like to better understand their research security requirements.

Faculty Information Exchange Series

No current offerings but information on past session topics is available.

A monthly lunch-and-learn session focusing on a specific area of interest for faculty.

Graduate Student Research and Project Management Course

Course no longer offered but past course outlines are available.

A weekly course held in the winter semester that introduces graduate students to the management of scholarly and research projects.

Hopper Lecture

An annual event sponsored by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) in honour of its first president, David Hopper.

Industry Partnership Week

Industry Partnerships Week is a series of virtual sessions focused on industry-partnered research. Designed for University of Guelph researchers, this series aims to demystify the entire process of conducting research with an industry partner from identifying potential partners to negotiating contracts to post-award activities.