
Morris Animal Foundation


The MAF/BBFCR Fellowship in Small Companion Animal Nutrition is a two year award made to an institutional training program that will provide salary support for a post-DVM or post-PhD student pursuing post-doctoral research training in companion animal nutrition. Up to $118,000 is available for salary support of this fellowship. This includes $50,000 per year plus a maximum of 8% indirect costs. Additionally, $3,000-$5,000 per year will be available for scientific travel including presentation of research findings at relevant meetings, and visits to BBFCR headquarters in Connecticut and MAF in Colorado.


Applications will be submitted by the institution and mentor(s) and will be judged on the strength of the proposed research project including scientific merit and impact on the field, quality of training environment or program, and strength of the mentor and mentoring plan. The mentor must have an established record of investigation in companion animal nutrition. The Fellowship recipient does not have to be identified at the time of application, the award will be made based on the defined research project, program description and mentor strength.

Fellowship Recipient

While the Fellow does not need to be identified at the time of application, identification of a candidate is expected within three months of the award being named. The Fellow filling the position must have a DVM and/or PhD, cannot have completed more than two (2) years of full-time postdoctoral research training, and must provide a letter from the department chair or dean of research that documents their appointment as a full-time graduate student or postdoctoral research associate. The Fellow must devote at least 90 percent of their time to the funded research. Applications for support of training positions with clinical service requirements or candidates in a residency program are not eligible. Distribution of funds will be commensurate with approval of candidate by MAF.


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

Internal Deadline

Please include a signed OR5 form with your submission to Research Services resserv@uoguelph.ca.

External Deadline



For Questions, please contact



Office of Research

Linda McCorkindale, Contracts Officer
Research Services Office
519-824-4120 x56257

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Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News

Health and Life Sciences