
Mitacs Inc.


Accelerate Internship Program

For More Information

Accelerate program


Mitacs is pleased to announce funding for collaborative research with not-for-profit (NFP) organizations. The Mitacs Accelerate internship program is scalable in its design. Projects can range from a single four month internship unit to multiple units combined together to accommodate larger projects.  Projects are a cost shared model with Mitacs, through the support of federal and provincial government, matching the industry partners or non-for-profit (NFP) organizations dollar for dollar. Each four month internship can be stretched to six months to allow for part-time participation. Larger and longer projects i.e. Cluster projects consist of a set of related internships, and are undertaken with three or more interns addressing a larger research goal. The Cluster can be made of multiple disciplines, multiple professors, and multiple partners but the overall project must be a single cohesive research plan. Interns spend approximately half of the time on-site with the industry partner; the remainder is spent at the university advancing the research under the guidelines of the problem faced by the industry partner.


Intern must be a graduate student or post-doctoral fellow enrolled at a Canadian university. Supervisors include faculty from all disciplines: natural sciences, engineering, social sciences and humanities. Eligible NFP partners can include: Industry Associations, economic development organizations and charitable organizations.

Funding Availability

Each four month internship project receives $15,000 (Mitacs and partner organization each contributing $7,500); Cluster projects receive a minimum $36,000 ($6,000 per internship) matched with $44,000 from Mitacs.

Indirect Costs


Project Duration

Interns may complete up to two internship segments (four to six months each) during a Master’s degree, and up to six months during a PhD. Post-doctoral fellows may complete a maximum of six internship segments.

How to Apply

Applicant submits the following to Mitacs:

List of complete application

For Questions, please contact

Rebecca Bourque
905 921-7577

Office of Research

Annette Clarke, Grants Officer
Research Services Office
519-824-4120 x56927

Alert Classifications
Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News

Health and Life Sciences
Information and Communications Technology
Physical Sciences and Engineering
Social Sciences