


Globalink Research Award – Campus France

For More Information

Application requirements
Proposal application (please use template provided)
Student CV (students must use the template on Mitacs’ website)


The Mitacs Globalink Research Award – Campus France is an exciting new competitive initiative that provides the opportunity for faculty members and senior undergraduate and graduate students at Canadian universities to participate in 12– to 24–week research projects supervised by a faculty member at a French university. Mitacs and Campus France strive to ensure that Globalink Research Award – Campus France students have a high-quality research experience with internationally recognized professors who facilitate expanding their knowledge and provide hands-on training in their field of study. 


Must be registered at a Canadian university as a senior undergraduate or graduate student, and be supervised by a faculty member at a Canadian university. Student must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident. 

Funding Availability

Students will receive up to $5,000 receive award to the Canadian supervisor to support student travel expenses, research related expenses, and student stipend. In addition, Campus France will provide a $5,000 award to cover accommodation and local expenses in France. These funds will be provided to the student directly upon their arrival in France.

Project Duration

12 – 24 weeks; projects can start as early as early as February 2016 and as late as December 31, 2016.

Special Notes

Travel to the destination prior to the approval of the award is not permitted, and neither Mitacs nor Campus France is responsible for any costs incurred before the application is approved. Travel may not be initiated until Mitacs have received all the paperwork, including the International Pre-Departure Form and Mitacs Student Cost of Conduct and Ethics Form, and the application is approved.


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

Internal Deadline

Applicant submits a signed OR-5 form (supervisor) along with the complete application (including signature page signed by intern and host supervisor, and student CV, and letters of support) to: Research.Services@uoguelph.ca

External Deadline

Students and their home university academic supervisors submit Globalink Research Award applications directly to Mitacs by email at apply(at)mitacs.ca with the subject heading “[Student first and last name] _GRA-Campus France

How to Apply

Senior undergraduate and graduate students from Canadian universities who meet all of the eligibility criteria and have an identified research project and a host supervisor in France must submit a complete application directly to Mitacs. Signature page must signed by all parties, including home university’s Office of Research Services (or equivalent thereof). See link below for required list of items to include. 

For Questions, please contact


Office of Research

Annette Clarke, Grants Officer
Research Services Office
519-824-4120 x56927

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Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News

Health and Life Sciences
Information and Communications Technology
Physical Sciences and Engineering
Social Sciences