
India-Canada Centre for Innovative Multidisciplinary Partnerships to Accelerate Community Transformation and Sustainability (IC-IMPACTS)


Innovative Technologies Demonstration Initiative

For More Information


IC-IMPACTS is the first, and only, Canada-India Research Centre of Excellence established through the Canadian Networks of Centres of Excellence (NCE). The objectives of the IC-IMPACTS Innovation Demonstration Initiative (IDI) are to:

  • Encourage the transfer of technology and knowledge resulting from India-Canada research and technology development partnerships;
  • Foster Canada-India collaborative research and trade development activities;
  • Demonstrate the effectiveness of innovative technologies for the Canadian and Indian marketplace; and, most importantly,
  • Improve the health, safety and prosperity of communities through the introduction of new technologies in Canada and/or India.
  • To improve Canada-India economic ties

IC-IMPACTS is seeking project proposals in three categories of projects in the deployment-ready stage of development related to IC-IMPACTS themes on safe and sustainable infrastructure, integrated water management and public health and disease prevention. The three categories are: technology indigenization or product adaptation; technology or research validation; and technology replication. See full details from sponsor’s eligible projects.


All projects must be based on excellence in research and have the following additional elements:

  • Include Canadian and Indian academic team members with prior collaboration history
  • Include Canadian and Indian graduate student involvement
  • Include an Industry partner, or other appropriate organization, agency, government or community partner, at the time of application with clear commitment of contribution to the project (cash and/or in-kind contributions must be in evidence)
  • Include commitment from a community context or testing site agreeing to the deployment of the technology
  • Fit the strategic priorities of Indian or Canadian communities
  • Be tailored to the market within which the technology is being deployed to ensure the potential for successful technology uptake (i.e. in terms of complexity, maintenance and price-point)
  • If a project does not have a team member from India (academic, industry community partner) the application must clearly indicate a strategy for knowledge sharing from the demonstration to Indian target audience

Maximum Project Value

As the focus of this call is deployment of technologies rather than research development, most proponents submitting a demonstration project proposal are expected to submit budget requests under $25,000. In some circumstances, requests of up to $45,000 may be considered in well-justified cases. Applicants can request up to $10,000 of additional student support where a project provides an opportunity to increase student participation within community contexts. See full details from sponsor’s project timeline & budget parameters.

Indirect Costs

No indirect costs are required on the amount requested from IC-IMPACTS; however, indirect costs may apply on amounts requested from partners.

Project Duration

Up to 24 months (2 years)

Special Notes

Internal Deadline: Open

Please submit a copy of your full application along with a signed OR-5 Form to the Office of Research Services at research.services@uoguelph.ca, two (2) weeks prior to the date you intend to submit your application to IC-IMPACTS.

External Deadline: Open

This is an open call with applications being received whenever they are ready. IC-IMPACTS’ Research Management Committee meets once every two (2) months to consider applications (call was launched November 4, 2015).

How to Apply

Applicants must download forms provided by IC-IMPACTS and submit an application using IC-IMPACTS online form.

For Questions, please contact

Ms. Sue Roppel
Chief Operating Officer and Network Manager
IC-IMPACTS Centres of Excellence
Phone: 604.827.1522
Email: roppel@ic-impacts.com

Office of Research

Katie Meyer Beck, Director, Research Support Services
Research Services Office
519-824-4120 x54059

Alert Classifications
Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News

Health and Life Sciences
Information and Communications Technology
Physical Sciences and Engineering
Social Sciences