
Grain Farmers of Ontario (GFO)

For More Information

Material for GFO Call for Research Proposals

  • Budget Template 2016
  • memo GFO call for proposals (Oct 2015)
  • Proposal Template 2016
  • Research Priorities 2016


2015 Grain Farmers of Ontario call for proposals for Barley, Corn, Oat, Soybean and Wheat Researchers.  Research Proposals  will be accepted for barley, corn, oat, soybean, and wheat proposals under the four priority areas as described in the 2015-2016 Research Priorities document: Agronomy & Production; Weed, Disease & Insect Pests; Breeding & Genetics; and Crop Quality & Utilization. Please note that barley and oat are new additions to their research program and GFO looks forward to receiving proposals focused on these crops.

Investment in research is a long-term strategic initiative of the Grain Farmers of Ontario. Grain Farmers of Ontario goal is to target  research and innovation investments toward opportunities that will enhance their farmer members’ returns. The updated 2015-2016 Grain Farmers of Ontario research priorities are available online.

GFO is accepting all proposals in the priority areas but would like to highlight the following specific high priority areas for which they would like to target increased research investment:

  • Identifying the impacts of various tillage systems and major soil types on phosphorous and nitrogen recommendations that would ensure productive crops and mitigate nutrient losses
  • Identifying and validating best management practices for phosphorous in terms of both crop productivity and potential for phosphorous loss (in soluble and particulate forms) throughout a year, including consideration of soil type and weather
  • Evaluating the impacts of soil phosphorous stratification on soil tests in various tillage systems and the effectiveness of soil test-based phosphorous recommendations to ensure sufficient phosphorous for the crop and mitigate phosphorous losses under the various tillage systems
  • Improving nitrogen recommendation models to better address both supply and demand for nitrogen during the growing season, factoring in the relevant effects of weather and soil type
  • Developing new food or bio-products from barley, corn, oat, soybean, and/or wheat linked to existing and emerging market opportunities for use of Ontario grain
  • Identifying and characterizing quality and functional parameters relevant to specific end uses or identity-preserved market opportunities for barley, corn, oat, soybean, and wheat


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

Internal Deadline

Please submit a copy of your proposal along with a signed OR5 form to the Research Services email address at resserv@uoguelph.ca

External Deadline

All proposals will be reviewed by the Grain Farmers of Ontario Research Committee and Board of Directors.

It is expected that researchers will be notified of the funding decisions in mid-February, 2016.

How to Apply

For your submission, please complete both the Research Proposal template and the Budget template. Instructions are contained within the templates. It is important to express how your research will benefit Ontario’s barley, corn, oat, soybean and wheat farmers (Part 4 of the proposal), and to use laymen’s terms when describing your project. If there is confidential content within your proposal, please identify the sensitive content. Grain Farmers of Ontario strongly encourages partnerships amongst research institutions and with other funding agencies. If you would like to discuss linkage with other funding programs please give us a call.

GFO encourages pre-submission consultation for all proposals, but particularly for those that fall under the priority area of Crop Quality and Utilization. Please call Josh Cowan at 519-767-4129 to discuss your proposal ideas or any questions regarding the templates.

Please submit completed research proposal documents in their original MS Word or MS Excel file formats by email to: joshcowan@gfo.ca

For Questions, please contact

Josh Cowan, Manager, Research & Innovation

Office of Research

Linda McCorkindale, Contracts Officer
Research Services Office
519-824-4120 x56257

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