
University of Guelph


The University of Guelph Research Excellence Awards highlight research achievements of recently tenured faculty members. 

Research excellence is recognized as scholarly output that has demonstrated international impact within the nominee’s discipline. This will include published works, but may also comprise other forms of scholarly output, research-related knowledge mobilization, research-derived innovation and training of highly qualified personnel. The candidate should be on track to gain, or have already received, national and/or international recognition.


To be eligible, a faculty member should be within two years of having been awarded tenure at the time of application. The date of tenure is the date on the promotion letter from the President. If the date of the letter is January 2024, the applicant is eligible in May 2024 and May 2025.


Each college will receive one Research Excellence Award per year (from date of Notice of Decision), for a total of seven awarded across the university.

Recipients of Research Excellence Awards hold the award for one year. During that year, each Research Excellence Award recipient will receive a $5,000 research prize, deposited in the awardee's general purpose research account. Colleges may wish to augment this award (e.g., with additional research funds or course release).

Special Notes

Each recipient must participate in one public lecture during the year they hold the award and may be asked to participate in a video organized by the Research Communications Office.


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

Internal Deadline

How to Apply

Colleges are asked to submit a single nomination to ailsakay@uoguelph.ca. When selecting a candidate to nominate for an REA, the College is expected to consider equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) best practices. This includes conducting an open and transparent nomination process that encourages a diverse applicant pool and does not disadvantage candidates from underrepresented groups, including, but not limited to, members of the four designated groups as defined by the Employment Equity Act (women, Indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities and racialized minorities). Colleges are also expected to identify and develop methods to address known systemic barriers faced by individuals from groups underrepresented in the College’s research disciplines.

The College’s nomination will describe concrete measures taken to ensure fairness and transparency and to address systemic barriers at each stage of nomination (i.e., at department and/or college levels), for example:

  • Promote the opportunity widely
  • Encourage self-nomination and nomination by colleague
  • Use a peer-review process for evaluation of research productivity and excellence (e.g. such as Tenure and Promotion process) and ensure peer reviewers have completed the SSHRC Bias in Peer Review module
  • Consider the value and impact of all research outputs (including datasets and software), in addition to research publications, and consider a broad range of impact measures including qualitative indicators of research impact, such as influence on policy and practice. (Source: San Francisco Declaration of Research Assessment)
  • Rank selection criteria prior to screening the applications, to ensure an unbiased, consistent and transparent selection process, e.g., use of an evaluation matrix (Source: Canada Research Chairs Equity, Diversity and Inclusion: A Best Practices Guide for Recruitment, Hiring and Retention)
  • Accept a full CV, ensuring that career interruptions due to parental leave, family care, extended illness, or community responsibilities do not negatively impact the assessment of a candidate’s research productivity. (CRC EDI Best Practices Guide)

NOTE: How an individual self-identifies is considered personal and confidential information. Colleges will not disclose self-identification data of nominee or pool of applicants without explicit consent.

 A nomination package will comprise:

  • a covering letter from the College Dean in support of the nomination (detailing the selection process) 
  • the nomination case letter from the department chair / school director
  • the nominee’s CV

For More Information

See the University Research Excellence Award webpage or contact ailsakay@uoguelph.ca for more information.

Alert Classifications
Honours and Awards

Health and Life Sciences
Information and Communications Technology
Physical Sciences and Engineering
Social Sciences