
International Science Council (ISC), University of Bergen, European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR)


Stein Rokkan was a pioneer of comparative political and social science research, renowned for his groundbreaking work on the nation state and democracy, among other things. A brilliant researcher and a professor at the University of Bergen, where he spent most of his career, Rokkan was also president of the International Social Science Council (an organization that merged to form the ISC in 2018) and one of the founder members of the ECPR.

The annual Stein Rokkan Prize for Comparative Social Science Research is presented by the International Science Council (ISC), the University of Bergen and the ECPR. It is given to a submission deemed by the Jury to be a substantial and original contribution in comparative social science research.



  • The prize is open to works in comparative studies from all social science disciplines.
  • The Stein Rokkan Prize is open to candidates from all social science disciplines, who need not be affiliated with a Member institution of either the ISC or ECPR.
  • The work should be a substantial and original contribution to comparative social science research.
  • The work must be a published monograph. Unpublished manuscripts, edited collections and collected works are not eligible.
  • The book must have been published within the two calendar years preceding the award. For the Stein Rokkan Prize 2024, books must have been published in 2022 or 2023. No book should be nominated in more than one year.
  • The work should preferably be in English; however, a submission written in another language can be nominated as long as it is accompanied by an English summary of the work.
  • Self-nominations are not accepted.
  • Nominations from publishers and agencies are not accepted.
  • Members of the ECPR Executive Committee, ISC Governing Board and Secretariat, and Editors of any ECPR books, journals or blog are not eligible for this prize during their term and for a certain buffer period afterwards.

Note: After the closing date for nominations, publishers may be asked to provide copies of the book in alternative formats for the members of the jury.


The Stein Rokkan Prize includes a prize fund of €5,000. The winner will be announced in autumn 2024, firstly by the International Science Council.


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

Internal Deadline

If you wish to be considered for VPR nomination: 

  1. We recommend discussing your interest in this award with your College Research Manager and Associate Dean (Research).
  2. Complete the Expression of Interest document
  3. Send the completed Expression of Interest document and a CV to ailsakay@uoguelph.ca and copy your College Research Manager. 

Career interruptions due to parental leave, family care, extended illness or community responsibilities will not negatively impact the committee’s assessment of a candidate’s research productivity. These will be taken into consideration when EOIs are assessed.

External Deadline

If your nomination will be submitted by a nominator other than the VPR, please submit directly to the sponsor via email at prizes@ecpr.eu by the external deadline. Please also submit a copy of the full nomination to research.services@uoguelph.ca by the external deadline.

How to Apply

The Vice-President (Research) encourages nominations for this prestigious award and will serve as nominator for those nominees recommended by the Honours and Awards Advisory Committee. If you wish to nominate a colleague or to be considered for VPR nomination:

  1. We recommend discussing your interest in this award with your College Research Manager and Associate Dean (Research).
  2. Complete the Expression of Interest document
  3. Send the completed Expression of Interest document and a CV to ailsakay@uoguelph.ca and copy your College Research Manager by the internal deadline.

Career interruptions due to parental leave, family care, extended illness or community responsibilities will not negatively impact the committee’s assessment of a candidate’s research productivity. These will be taken into consideration when EOIs are assessed.

If your nomination will be submitted by a different nominee, and therefore does not require the Vice-President's endorsement, please submit a complete nomination and signed OR-5 to research.services@uoguelph.ca by the external deadline.

For More Information

For more information, see the ECPR Stein Rokkan Prize web-page or contact prizes@ecpr.eu or ailsakay@uoguelph.ca.

Alert Classifications
Honours and Awards

Social Sciences