
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation


The Sloan Research fellowships seeks to stimulate fundamental research by early-career scientists and scholars of outstanding promise. These two-year fellowships are awarded yearly to early career researchers in recognition of distinguished performance and a unique potential to make substantial contributions to their field.

The award categories are: Chemistry, Computer Science, Economics, Mathematics, Earth System Science, Neuroscience, Physics.



  • Candidates must hold a Ph.D. or equivalent degree in chemistry, computer science, Earth system science, economics, mathematics, neuroscience, physics, or a related field.
  • Candidates must be members of the faculty of a college, university, or other degree-granting institution in the U.S. or Canada.
  • Candidates must be tenure-track, though untenured, as of September 15 of the nomination year.
  • Candidate’s faculty position must carry a regular teaching obligation.


Sloan Research Fellowships are valued at $75,000 for a two year period.


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

Internal Deadline
If you wish to be considered for VPR nomination: 
  1. We recommend discussing your interest in this award with your College Research Manager and Associate Dean (Research).
  2. Complete the Expression of Interest document
  3. Send the completed Expression of Interest document and a CV to ailsakay@uoguelph.ca and copy your College Research Manager. 

Career interruptions due to parental leave, family care, extended illness, or community responsibilities will not negatively impact the committee’s assessment of a candidate’s research productivity. These will be taken into consideration when EOIs are assessed.

External Deadline

If your nomination will be submitted by a nominator other than the VPR, please submit directly to the Sloan Research Fellowships application portal by the external deadline. Please also submit a copy of the full nomination and OR-5 to research.services@uoguelph.ca.

How to Apply

The Vice-President (Research) encourages nominations for this prestigious award, and will serve as nominator for those nominees recommended by the Honours and Awards Advisory Committee. If you wish to nominate a colleague or to be considered for VPR nomination:

  1. We recommend discussing your interest in this award with your College Research Manager and Associate Dean (Research).
  2. Complete an Expression of Interest
  3. Send the completed Expression of Interest document and a CV to ailsakay@uoguelph.ca and copy your College Research Manager by the internal deadline.

As this is an international prize, the University may engage the Global Excellence Initiative to coordinate external review of nominations.

Career interruptions due to parental leave, family care, extended illness, or community responsibilities will not negatively impact the committee’s assessment of a candidate’s research productivity. These will be taken into consideration when EOIs are assessed.

If your nomination will be submitted by a different nominee, and therefore does not require the Vice-President's endorsement, please submit a complete nomination and signed OR-5 to research.services@uoguelph.ca by the external deadline.

For More Information

For more information please contact ailsakay@uoguelph.ca or visit the Sloan Research Fellowship website.

Alert Classifications
Honours and Awards

Health and Life Sciences
Information and Communications Technology
Physical Sciences and Engineering
Social Sciences