On June 21, 2023, the University of Guelph Board of Governors approved the Responsible Conduct of Research Policy and Procedures. The policy took effect on June 21, 2023. 

The University of Guelph undertook a review and updating of its 2015 Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Policy and Procedures. The review comprised a scan of responsible conduct of research policies and practices at peer institutions, determination of consistent best practices, and integration of these findings into a revised policy for the University of Guelph. The review was conducted by a working group consisting of Stephen LeBlanc (co-chair), Karina McInnis (co- chair), Alejandro Marangoni, and Leanne Son Hing. The new policy and procedures were presented to and approved by the Senate Research Board and Senate and then finally by the Board of Governors at its June 21, 2023, meeting.

The RCR Policy and Procedures are now published on the University Secretariat Website:

Summary of the Substantive Changes to the University of Guelph’s Revised RCR Policy:

  • The RCR policy and the related procedures have been separated, each in a standalone document

  • Changes to the Investigation Committee:

    • Added one member with discipline expertise to the Committee

    • Added one member of the Senate Research Board (SRB)

  • Removal of the Conflicts of Interest (COI) Section:

    • A standalone policy and procedure for COI in research will be developed and will be complementary to U of G’s Human Resources COI policy, and the Collective Agreement between U of G and the U of G Faculty Association

Thank you in advance for your support in assisting the University to meet these requirements.

Alert Classifications
Research Policies and Guidelines

Health and Life Sciences
Information and Communications Technology
Physical Sciences and Engineering
Social Sciences