
The Governor General of Canada


The Order of Canada is how our country honours people who make extraordinary contributions to the nation. 

Since its creation in 1967 (Canada’s centennial year), more than 7 000 people from all sectors of society have been invested into the Order. The contributions of these trailblazers are varied, yet they have all enriched the lives of others and made a difference to this country. Their grit and passion inspire us, teach us and show us the way forward. They exemplify the Order’s motto: DESIDERANTES MELIOREM PATRIAM (“They desire a better country”).


The Order of Canada recognizes people in all sectors of society. You can nominate:

  • Any living Canadian for admission into the Order. 
  • Non-Canadians who have made an extraordinary contribution to Canadian life.
  • An existing member of the Order to be promoted to a higher level within the Order. Promotions are only considered five years after the initial appointment.
  • A candidate who has been previously considered but not appointed to the Order of Canada. Usually, a new nomination can be submitted five years after the last one was made. Contact Order of Canada if you think this applies to your candidate.
  • Please do not notify the candidate about the nomination or initiate a letter-writing campaign.


This prestigious award is an Order of Canada insignia.

Special Notes

Please note that research activities carried out in the context of COVID-19 need to adhere to the University of Guelph COVID-19 research principles, policies, guidelines and processes as they may be updated from time to time and communicated on the Office of Research web-page.


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

External Deadline

Please submit the nomination directly to the Order of Canada website. 

Please submit a copy of the completed nomination, 8 - 10 weeks before submission, to  research.services@uoguelph.ca.

How to Apply

The Order of Canada has an ongoing submission deadline. A nomination may be submitted for consideration at any time throughout the year.

Why not nominate someone today? Anyone can do it.

  1. Think of an eligible candidate and tell the Advisory Council for the Order of Canada why they deserve to be appointed to the Order of Canada. Prepare examples of how they have demonstrated outstanding qualities.
  2. Gather your candidate’s contact information and curriculum vitae (if available).
  3. Gather the names and contact information of three references familiar with your candidate’s accomplishments.

Additional nomination information may be found on the Order of Canada nominiation criteria webpage.

Please submit a copy of the completed nomination, 8 - 10 weeks before submission, to  research.services@uoguelph.ca.

For more information, contact research.honours@uoguelph.ca visit the Order of Canada website, or contact ordersadmin@gg.ca

Alert Classifications
Honours and Awards

Health and Life Sciences
Information and Communications Technology
Physical Sciences and Engineering
Social Sciences