
Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance (OMAFRA/UofG Agreement) 


The Ontario Agri-food Innovation Alliance (Alliance) Special Initiatives Research Program is seeking Expressions of Interest (EOIs) for projects focused on climate change and food security.  

The desired outcome of this Special Initiatives call is to understand and address the impacts of climate change on agricultural/ natural systems or biodiversity within agroecosystems that directly impact food security, food safety and plant/animal disease. The proposed work should clearly demonstrate the complex interconnectedness of the elements within the system in response to climate change.  

This call will support one or more large, collaborative project(s) that will bring a One Health approach to explore climate change impacts, opportunities and solutions related to human, animal, plant and environmental systems. Projects are expected to be transdisciplinary and lead to multi-sector outcomes. 

  • Project budget: up to $1 million 
  • Project length: up to 3 years 
  • Expressions of Interest: due November 22, 2022 

Applications must address one of the following research questions: 

  1. What are the effects of climate change on agricultural and natural systems that create risks and mitigations for food security, food safety and/or animal/plant disease and how are they interconnected? (RIB ID 2022.008) 
  2. What are the cascade effects of climate change driven events on biodiversity within agroecosystems: what are the risks, opportunities and solutions for the agri-food, food safety and health systems? (RIB ID 2022.028)

The 2022/23 Special Initiatives Research Program involves a two-stage call – Expressions of Interest and Full Proposals (by invitation only).  Expressions of Interest are due by 1:00 pm on Tuesday, November 22, 2022.  

For further information about this call, please visit the Special Initiatives web page

An Information Session will take place on Tuesday, October 11 at 11:00 a.m. in ANNU 141 (Animal Science and Nutrition). 

The meeting is an opportunity to find out more about this unique research opportunity, interact with OMAFRA staff to learn more about the focus of this call, and network with other researchers in the climate change and One Health research space. No registration is required. The presentation will be posted to the Alliance website after the meeting.


University of Guelph faculty members are eligible to be the Lead Applicant and/or a Co-Applicant on any Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance Research Program project. Adjunct faculty members may also apply if they are eligible to hold research funding at the University of Guelph and are not employed by or have a financial interest in any of the collaborating organizations or co-funders. Consult the program guide for more details. 

Applicants must be fully compliant with all reporting requirements prior to a new proposal being reviewed under any Alliance Research Program. The Lead Applicant and the Co-Applicant will have 30 days from the submission deadline to complete any outstanding compliance requirements, including reporting. If applicants are not compliant at that time the submitted proposal will be withdrawn from the review process and declined.


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

External Deadline
  • Call open: Sept. 22, 2022 
  • Program information session: Oct. 11, 2022 
  • Expressions of Interest due: Nov. 22, 2022 
  • Full Proposal invitations anticipated Dec. 2022/Jan. 2023 
  • Award decisions: Anticipated Apr. 2022
For Questions, please contact

If you have questions about this call, please contact a Research Programs Coordinator in the Office of Research (Agri-Food Partnership) at rescoord@uoguelph.ca.

Office of Research 

Stacy Favrin, Senior Manager, OMAFRA/UofG Research Programs 
Office of Research, Agri-Food Partnership 

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