


Chairs for Women in Science and Engineering (CWSE)


The goal of the program is to increase the participation and retention of women in science and engineering, and to provide role models for women active in, and considering, careers in these fields. The CWSE Program is regional—with one Chair for each of the Atlantic, Quebec, Ontario, Prairies, and British Columbia/Yukon regions. NSERC is now accepting applications for the Ontario Chair.


Chair candidates must self-identify as women and meet NSERC’s regular eligibility criteria to apply for or receive NSERC funding. Candidates (already holding a faculty appointment at a Canadian university) must either hold a current NSERC Discovery Grant or be awarded one prior to taking up the Chair.

Applications may be submitted by any NSERC-eligible Canadian university located in the appropriate region, or jointly by two or more eligible universities located within the same region.


Chairs are tenable at any NSERC-eligible Canadian university within a designated region. Chairs are approved for a five-year term, renewable for an additional term of three to five years.

Matching funds

NSERC will contribute an initial $40,000 per year. In addition, NSERC will match cash and in-kind contributions from the host university and supporting organizations (partners) up to a maximum of $70,000 per year, for a total of $110,000 per year. In-kind contributions can consist of staff time, salaries, equipment, and any other resources provided by the supporting organizations.

Note: If additional funding commitments are secured after a chair has started, NSERC will adjust its initial level of funding up to the maximum total of $70,000. Requests for these additional funds must be supported by a full description of the changes that will result from the additional funding and by a revised budget.

To help the chairholders maintain their research activity at a high level during their tenure as a CWSE, NSERC will also match host university cash contributions of $20,000 with $25,000 to support a postdoctoral fellow or research engineer.

Chairholders’ time allocation

Chairholders are expected to contribute up to 50% of their time to the activities of the Chair and the remaining time to their professor/researcher activities at the university.

Special Notes

Each college is invited to submit one recommendation for the CWSE.  Interested candidates should contact their Associate Dean of Research as soon as possible to explore nomination development.


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

Internal Deadline

Colleges submit recommendation (one per college) to research.honours@uoguelph.ca

External Deadline

How to Apply

Interested candidates are invited to contact their Associate Dean (Research) and/or College Research Manager to express their interest.

For More Information

Please see NSERC Chairs for Women in Science and Engineering Program

Alert Classifications
Honours and Awards

Information and Communications Technology
Physical Sciences and Engineering