


NSERC Alliance Advantage Research Alert

NSERC Alliance Society Research Alert

For More Information


The Government of Canada released the National Security Guidelines for Research Partnerships on July 12, 2021, resulting in changes to the NSERC Alliance program for grant applications involving one or more private sector partners. The new requirements are to ensure the Canadian research ecosystem is as open as possible and as safeguarded as necessary. The Government of Canada has introduced the National Security Guidelines for Research Partnerships to integrate national security considerations into the development, evaluation and funding of research partnerships.

All applications currently being prepared in NSERC’s online system, along with all new applications initiated in the system, are now required to complete the National Security Guidelines for Research Partnerships’ risk assessment form if their grant applications includes one or more private sector partner.

Additionally, applications previously submitted to NSERC but that have not received a decision as of July 12, 2021, will be required to complete the risk assessment form if they pass the administrative and scientific peer-review and are recommended for funding. In these cases, NSERC will be contacting the lead applicants and their institution to 'return' the application in the system to complete the risk assessment form. Applicants cannot make any other modifications to the application; if this is requested, the applicant will need to withdraw their current application and initiate a new application in the system, which is not recommended. 

For applications currently in progress in the system or for applications already submitted to NSERC, applicants will be required to ‘re-invite’ their partner(s), as well as any co-applicants to the applications, so that partner(s) and co-applicants can re-verify their agreement to the updated terms and conditions of applying for applicants, the terms and conditions of applying for partner organizations.

Internal Resources

The Office of Research Services (ORS), in consultation with impacted internal stakeholders, will be developing a web-page where applicants can review pertinent information and resources available to help in answering the questions on the risk assessment form, and completing the 'risks identified' and 'risk mitigation plan' components, if applicable. Applicants are encouraged to review the University of Guelph's Safeguarding Research Website, along with the additional internal links provided below, when completing the risk assessment form:

External Resources

The NSERC Alliance Resources web-page includes links to the Safeguarding Your Research portal and to all updated terms and conditions for applying and at the award stage. Also, NSERC's "Presentation on Preparing an Alliance Application" (SlidesSlides with notes) includes information to help applicants submit a complete application that satisfies the requirements of the National Security Guidelines for Research Partnerships, when applicable. The NSERC Alliance Frequently asked questions web-page provides answers to key questions related to the implementation of National Security Guidelines for Research Partnerships to Alliance. Other external resources are as follows:

Special Notes

Terms and Conditions of Applying - for Applicants & Partner Organizations
The terms and conditions of applying for applicants, the terms and conditions of applying for partner organizations and the terms and conditions of award have been updated to ask for explicit agreement to terms and conditions related to assessing risks to Canada’s national security. 

Application Review
In the case where an application involves one or more private sector partner, including when they participate alongside other partner organizations from the public and/or not-for-profit sectors, NSERC will review the National Security Guidelines for Research Partnerships’ risk assessment form that the applicant has provided with their application (including the risk mitigation plan, when applicable). When additional expertise is required, NSERC will seek advice from Canada’s national security departments and agencies and/or from academic experts.

NSERC has also adjusted their application review times, to account for additional time needed to review the risk assessment form:

Small Project
(average annual request of $20K-$75K from NSERC)
Medium Project
(average annual request of $75K-$300K from NSERC)
Large Project
(average annual request of $300K-$1M from NSERC)
5 to 9 weeks if evaluation is supported by existing NSERC peer review

9 to 18 weeks if no existing NSERC peer review
9 to 18 weeks 14 to 24 weeks

How to Apply

The National Security Guidelines for Research Partnerships’ risk assessment form is to be completed and uploaded under 'Other Documents' in the NSERC online system, once an Alliance application is initiated. 

The updated NSERC Alliance Application Checklist includes the requirements that must be fulfilled with respect to the National Security Guidelines for Research Partnerships, when applicable, in order for an application to be complete for NSERC to accept it. Failure to provide a completed risk assessment form (including the risk mitigation plan, if applicable) will result in the application being found incomplete and not accepted.

For Questions, please contact

If you have any questions or comments about Alliance grants please contact Alliance@nserc-crsng.gc.ca and sign up on the Alliance webpage to be added to the mailing list so you can stay up to date on the latest information.

For U of G support navigating national security guidelines, please contact research.security@uoguelph.ca.

Office of Research

Rachel Lee, Senior Grants and Contracts Specialist
Research Services Office

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