The University of Guelph recognizes the vital importance of human participation in its vibrant research enterprise. These activities have been severely impacted by COVID-19. To support and inform the gradual and careful return of these activities, a Framework for Phasing-In Human Participant Face-to-Face Research has been developed. 

This new framework is now referenced in an updated version of the University of Guelph Research Phase-In Framework and will assist researchers in returning to human participant research as restrictions ease. It outlines return to research guidelines for decision-making, as well as a checklist to facilitate preparation specific to the phase-in of face-to-face human participant research and adheres to the overarching principle that health and safety are the top priorities. This document emphasizes protocols for on-campus research. A separate document with suggestions and considerations for resuming and implementing projects outside of University grounds will be available soon.

This document does not replace the Research Phase-In Framework, but rather, is meant to function as an addendum to it.

The Office of Research thanks you for your patience as we work through new protocols and processes that will allow us to resume as much of our research as is safe and practical to achieve.

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