



For More Information

Elevate Program
Intent to Apply
How to Apply
Writing your Proposal Guide


Mitacs Elevate is a two-year training program for Postdoctoral Fellows, in which participants lead and undertake an industrially relevant research project in any discipline. During this time, Fellows receive experiential training in R&D directly through their industry-academic research collaboration and leadership training and business acumen through the program’s training curriculum. With a suite of skills development workshops and activities unique to Mitacs Elevate, Fellows learn about communication, leadership & management and other critical business skills relevant to R&D management careers in academia and industry. These training opportunities complement Fellows’ specialized expertise and ensure they are ready to lead large-scale research project throughout their careers regardless of their academic disciplines. 


  • Postdoctoral Fellows may apply if their date of graduation from a PhD program is no more than five years prior to the proposed start date of the research project.
  • Fellows who have held an Accelerate award as a Master’s or PhD student are also eligible to apply.
  • Postdoctoral Fellows who have previously held an Elevate award are not eligible.
  • Canadian citizens, permanent residents and international applicants are eligible to apply. They must be based at a university located in the same province as the partner organization for the duration of the fellowship.
  • Supervisors must hold a faculty appointment and are eligible for Tri-Agency funds.

For more information regarding specific eligibility criteria for fellows, please visit: Who is Eligible?

Maximum Project Value

The two-year postdoctoral award provides:

  • $55,000 annual funding (plus $7,500 per year non-cash value in training)
  • Exclusive, customized professional development training
  • Long-term collaborative research project with a non-academic partner

Note: Fellows receive a stipend/salary of at least $50,000 per year. Partners contribute $25,000 per year and Mitacs contributes $30,000 per year for a total grant of $55,000 per year. This includes support for Fellows and up to $5,000 in research costs for equipment, additional research personnel, conference travel and publication. A $5,000 contribution from the academic supervisor or university is required in lieu of provincial funding. 

Indirect Costs


Project Duration

Projects are two years in length and must start by February 6, 2018, after the proposal is approved and Mitacs has received the partner funds, as per Mitacs Policy.

Special Notes

  1. Letter of intent* and Conflict of Interest declaration**: June 7, 2017, by 8pm EST. Applicant sends LOI to: elevate@mitacs.ca.
  2. Pre-review of draft applications*: June 21, 2017, by 8pm EST. Applicant sends draft to: elevate@mitacs.ca.

*Letters of intent and pre-review are not required to submit full applications.
**Conflict of Interest declaration is mandatory - see more information in "Deadlines" section.


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

External Deadline

If applicable, submit an Intern or Supervisor Conflict of Interest (COI) Declaration directly to Mitacs at elevate@mitacs.ca. Please consult the Conflict of Interest section under Program Administration on the Mitacs website. 

Internal Deadline

Please submit the full application along with signed OR-5 form (supervisor) to: research.services@uoguelph.ca

External Deadline

Intern/Supervisor submits approved and signed application package to: elevate@mitacs.ca

How to Apply

completed Application Package consists of the following:

  • A completed application form (Sections 1-7)
    • List of six external expert, arms-length reviewers and their contact information
  • A memorandum signed by all parties, including relevant university research office, submitted as a scanned PDF
  • Applicant’s CV
  • Proposed academic supervisor’s CV
  • Three letters of support maximum:
    • One (1) letter of support from the proposed academic supervisor
    • One (1) letter of support from a former supervisor or person familiar with the fellow’s research expertise
    • One (1) letter of support from an eligible partner organization on partner organization letterhead that confirms the amount of the financial commitment
  • Any supplementary documents as applicable

Please note: Please submit the documents of your package as separate documents (not one combined document). ZIP files are recommended.

Complete submission packages must be emailed to: elevate@mitacs.ca.

For Questions, please contact

For questions or more information, please contact us at elevate@mitacs.ca.

Office of Research

Carolyn Osborn, Senior Manager, Grants & Contracts
Research Services Office
519-824-4120 x52935

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