
MEOPAR, in partnership with Polar Knowledge Canada (POLAR) and the Arctic Research Foundation (ARF)


Year of Polar Prediction (YOPP)

For More Information

Details about the call, including eligibility, review criteria, and application requirements, are described in the full call for proposals document, available at http://www.meopar.ca/research.


MEOPAR, in partnership with Polar Knowledge Canada (POLAR) and the Arctic Research Foundation (ARF), is accepting proposals for research activities that will strengthen Canadian participation in the international Year of Polar Prediction (YOPP). YOPP is an initiative of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) that seeks to “enable a significant improvement in environmental prediction capabilities for the polar regions and beyond, by coordinating a period of intensive observing, modeling, verification, user-engagement and education activities".


In keeping with the nature of the NCE program, MEOPAR seeks to build multi-sectoral and interdisciplinary partnerships. Therefore, proposals must integrate researchers from more than one discipline, as defined by their applicable granting council (NSERC, SSHRC and CIHR) and involve multiple sectors (i.e. academia, private sector, government, NGOs) working together to achieve joint research outcomes.

For multi-disciplinary projects, MEOPAR expects true interdisciplinary participation and this implies that any proposed integration of researchers from diverse disciplines be convincing to reviewers and tied clearly to the overall objectives of the proposal. All proposals must demonstrate end-user(s)/partner engagement in the project (beyond the call partner). Letters of support should clearly indicate the role of partner(s)/end-user(s) and level of engagement.

Financial support from partners (in-kind and/or cash) will be viewed as a major asset to proposals, but is not a requirement for application. Proposals and letters of support should clearly explain the nature of the participation and any financial commitments. Please review the "NSERC Guidelines on Eligibility and Value of In-Kind Contributions." Investigators are limited to requesting funding in a maximum of two proposals (maximum of one as lead-PI) under this CFP.

MEOPAR investigators are limited to holding concurrent funding from a maximum of two activities (projects or core activities). Applicants are encouraged to establish links with existing or previous MEOPAR projects. This may be through formal cooperation with an existing MEOPAR research project or core activity or through a clear explanation of how a distinct research focus is relevant to, and might be integrated with other MEOPAR research activities. Descriptions of existing projects are available on www.meopar.ca/research and applicants are encouraged to contact MEOPAR’s theme leads to discuss potential collaborations.

At least one funding recipient in the project must hold an academic or adjunct position at a Canadian institution.

Funding Availability

 $2.3 million (fewer than eight projects will be funded)

Project Duration

Funding period runs April 2017 to March 2020.

Special Notes

In January, 2017 the Arctic Research Foundation will host an informational webinar about the infrastructure and other resources they have available in support of this call for proposals. The exact date and time of the webinar will be posted to this website shortly.


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

Internal Deadline

Please submit the complete application package along with a signed OR-5 form to research.services@uoguelph.ca.

External Deadline

Applications must be submitted electronically in PDF format to alexa.reedman@meopar.ca.

How to Apply

Year of Polar Prediction Call for Proposals:  English     French

For Questions, please contact

Questions about the call should be directed to Alexa Reedman: alexa.reedman@meopar.ca.

Office of Research

Carolyn Osborn, Senior Manager, Grants & Contracts
Research Services Office
519-824-4120 x52935

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