
Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation


The Lasker Awards program was created in 1945 by Albert and Mary Lasker to shine a spotlight on fundamental biological discoveries and clinical advances that improve human health, and to draw attention to the importance of public support of science.

The Basic Award and the Clinical Award are given annually. The Special Achievement Award and the Public Service Award are given in alternate years: the Special Achievement will be given in 2020; the Public Service will be given next in 2021. 

The Lasker Awards will be offered in three categories in 2021: 

​Albert Lasker Basic Medical Research Award: For a fundamental discovery that opens up a new area of biomedical science.

Lasker~DeBakey Clinical Medical Research Award: For a major advance that improves the lives of many thousands of people.

Lasker~Bloomberg Public Service AwardFor improving the public’s understanding of medical research, public health, or healthcare; providing financial support for initiatives to enhance public health and/or medical research; serving as a spokesperson for medical research or public health; providing outstanding public health practice.

Additional information regarding these awards is available on the Lasker Award website.


Anyone who has made an original and significant contribution in basic or clinical medical research, or in public service, is eligible for nomination. Lasker Awards are highly competitive and are bestowed on individuals whose work opens new areas of biomedical science or public service. Award winners may reside in any country of the world. 

Colleagues familiar with the nominee(s)'s work and with the relevant field of research (or area of public service) are ideal nominators. Self-nominations or nominations written by the candidates themselves will not be considered by the Jury. 


The Lasker Awards carry an honorarium of $250,000 for each category.

Special Notes

Please refer to the Office of Research COVID 19 web-page for directives related to research activities at the University of Guelph.


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

Internal Deadline

If you wish to be considered for VPR nomination, please submit your Expression of Interest (see How to Apply)  to research.honours@uoguelph.ca

External Deadline

If your nomination will be submitted by a nominator other than the VPR, please submit directly to the sponsor by the external deadline. Please also submit a copy of the full nomination and OR-5 to research.services@uoguelph.ca

How to Apply

The Vice-President (Research) encourages nominations for this prestigious award, and will serve as nominator for those nominees recommended by the Honours and Awards Advisory Committee. If you wish to nominate a colleague or to be considered for VPR nomination, please submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) to research.honours@uoguelph.ca by the internal deadline. 

An Expression of Interest will include:

  • A draft letter (two-three pages) addressed to the VPR, signed by your ADR, which outlines how you/your nominee meets the criteria outlined on the Lasker Medical Research Award website
  • An up-to-date CV for nominee (and each member of the team, if applicable)

As this is an international prize, the University may engage the Global Excellence Initiative to coordinate external review of nominations.

​If your nomination will be submitted by a different nominee, and therefore does not require the Vice-President's endorsement, please submit a complete nomination and OR-5 to research.services@uoguelph.ca  by the external deadline.

For more information, contact research.honours@uoguelph.ca or, David Keegan of The Lasker Foundation at dkeegan@laskerfoundation.org.


Alert Classifications
Honours and Awards

Health and Life Sciences
Social Sciences