
The Lasker Awards program was created in 1945 by Albert and Mary Lasker to shine a spotlight on fundamental biological discoveries and clinical advances that improve human health, and to draw attention to the importance of public support of science.

The Lasker Awards will be offered in three categories in 2019: 

  • Basic Research
  • Clinical Research
  • Public Service


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

External Deadline

Deadline for submitting all nomination materials

How to Apply

There are two ways to submit a nomination:

The Nomination package consists of:

  • A short citation (30 words or less).
  • A concise summary (150 words or less) of your nominee(s)'s scientific contributions to this research.
  • A detailed description (limited to 900 words or less).
  • A list of other scientists(s), in addition to your nominee(s), who should be considered for this award, and why.  Please Note:  The Jury considers this question a crucial one, and nominations without a complete answer to this question will be returned.  (Limit response to 450 words or less).
  • A brief one-page biography, including major awards received by each nominee.
  • A one-page list of six (6) peer reviewed journal references that substantiate the statements made in your nomination.  Do NOT submit reprints.
  • Five (5) letters of support per nomination

For More Information

See Lasker award website

Alert Classifications
Honours and Awards

Health and Life Sciences