
L'Oréal Canada with the support of the Canadian Commission for UNESCO


For Women in Science International Awards


The 2018 Awards will designate five outstanding researchers in the Life Sciences, each working in one of the following regions: Africa and the Arab States, Asia-Pacific, Europe, Latin America & North America. Scientists around the world are invited to nominate candidates for the L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Awards.


To be considered eligible for an award, it is necessary to be nominated in writing by an eminent scientist. Self-nominations are not eligible, nor are nominations from immediate family members. Teams are not eligible for nomination.

The candidate must be recognized for her personal scientific excellence among the international scientific community – Be actively involved in scientific research – Be involved in any field of the Life Sciences – Not be directly or personally involved in the For Women in Science program, as a jury member or otherwise, in any country.

The selection criteria of the candidates are the following:

  • The candidate’s outstanding contribution to the general advancement of science
  • The impact of the candidate's body of work on the current state of her field of science (number, quality and impact of publications, conference presentations, patents…)
  • The recognition of the candidate by peers within her community
  • The candidate’s commitments to education through publications, teaching activities, mentoring, etc.

One candidate will be selected for each of the five regions, the determining factor being the place of work, not the nationality of the candidate.


Each of the five Laureates will receive an award of €100,000.


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

External Deadline

How to Apply

Qualified Nominators:
The right to submit proposals for the L’Oréal-UNESCO Awards For Women in Science shall, by
statute, be enjoyed by:

  • Heads of Universities or Scientific Institutions
  • Members of the Academy of Sciences or other National Scientific Institutions
  • Holders of research chairs
  • Permanent and assistant professors
  • Past For Women in Science Awards Laureates
  • At a minimum must be holders of a Ph.D.

Nominations can only be submitted electronically through the online platform:
www.forwomeninscience.com .

An application is considered complete only if it includes all of the following documents:

  • A detailed Curriculum Vitae
  • A brief explanation of why the nominator considers the individual to be a worthy candidate for the L’Oréal-UNESCO Awards For Women in Science (200-400 words)
  • A list of publications and patents, starting with the most recent
  • ​The full text of the five most significant publications in order of importance with: a brief resume explaining their significance (less than 200 words), number of citations for each paper excluding auto-citations and the impact factor of each journal
  • Three to five letters of recommendation from eminent scientists outside the candidate’s home institution.

For More Information

Please visit the program's website

Alert Classifications
Honours and Awards

Health and Life Sciences