
Kidney Foundation of Canada (KFOC)

For More Information

Kidney Foundation Funding Opportunities website

UofG Statement of Equitiy, Diversity and Inclusion in Research

RSO Quick Resource for Researchers considering and incorporating EDI


The Kidney Foundation of Canada is committed to achieving excellent kidney health, optimal quality of life and a cure for kidney disease.

Kidney Health Research Grants provide financial support to researchers in defraying research operating costs, including the purchase of materials, supplies and equipment and the payment of laboratory assistants. The research must be carried out in Canada.

Priority announcements for 2024 (see Kidney Health Research Grants Policies for more information):

  1. Research in Health Equity
  2. Indigenous (First Nations, Inuit and/or Métis) Health
  3. Mental Health Awareness and Support on the Transplant Journey

Partnership Opportunities for 2024 (see Kidney Health Research Grants Policies for more information):

  1. Can-SOLVE CKD partnership opportunity:
    • To assist in dissemination and broadening of research in the kidney health field that focuses on, or engages in, patient-oriented research, a partnership grant opportunity will be available to support Kidney Health Research Grants which contain a patient-oriented focus or a strong patient engagement lens.
  2. The CSN-Otsuka Vicky Karoutas Memorial Award
    • The Canadian Society of Nephrology (CSN), in collaboration with The Kidney Foundation of Canada and Otsuka Canada Pharmaceutical, is establishing the Vicky Karoutas Memorial Award to support research studies addressing important issues for patients with kidney disease. Please see CSN-Otsuka Vicky Karoutas Memorial Award - 2024 Award Guidelines.



The KFOC defines a Nominated Principal Applicant as an individual who:

  • Is an Independent researcher;
  • Will be responsible for the direction of the proposed activities;
  • Will assume the administrative and financial responsibility for the grant or award; and
  • Will receive all related correspondence from the KFOC.

In cases that more than one individual will be responsible for the proposed activities, you may denote ONE additional team member as a Principal applicant. The KFOC defines a Principal
as an individual who shares responsibility for the direction of the proposed activities. 

Note: A Nominated Principal Applicant or Principal Applicant may not apply for or hold more than one (1) Kidney Health Research Grant from The Kidney Foundation as an award. It is the responsibility of the nominated principal applicant to ensure the additional principal applicant (if applicable) is aware of this restriction. 

See Kidney Health Research Grants Policies for definitions of other project participant roles.


Early Career Researchers

The Kidney Foundation wishes to give priority to early career researchers in the field of kidney research. In order to be applicable as an Early Career Researcher, at the time of application, the Nominated Principal Applicant may have held their first faculty position for no more than 5 years. A maximum of three (3) three-year grants for early career researchers within the excellent to outstanding range will be mandated to be awarded each year. Additional three-year grants may be considered on a case-by-case basis depending on the grant cycle. An applicant is only entitled to be awarded a three-year grant once.

To be eligible to apply for a three-year grant the Nominated Principal Applicant must submit a letter from their most recent research supervisor describing the applicant’s training and research potential as well as a letter from the head of their division/department indicating the nature of the university appointment, the facilities provided and the research potential of the applicant. The applicant must also specify that they are applying for the three years of support and include a detailed budget for all three granting periods.

Note: If you are applying as an ECR, you cannot include another principal applicant on your application (you may include co-applicants, knowledge users and lived experience partners). 

Early Career Researchers are encouraged to have their applications reviewed by a colleague who has received funding from a granting agency such as The Kidney Foundation.

Funding Availability

Up to $60,000 per year

Maximum Project Value

The maximal budget allowed for two- and three-year research grants may not exceed $120,000 and $180,000 respectively. Applications meeting this criterion but requesting an early release of year 2 or year 3 funds will be considered for funding only after specific permission is obtained from The Kidney Foundation. Such permission is granted only when fully justified by the project. Under no circumstances can any awardees receive more than the maximal allowable budget for any sequential two or three-year period. 

Indirect Costs


Project Duration

1 to 3 years

Three-year grants can only be applied for by early career researchers, i.e., within 5 years of their first faculty appointment. To be guaranteed funding as a three-year grant the application needs to be scored in the excellent to outstanding category by the Kidney Health Scientific Committee. 

Special Notes

Grant applications for equipment only will not be considered. Equipment requested as part of the grant application will be considered provided the total amount for equipment does not exceed $10,000 CAN.

Please note that the EDI principles (see Kidney Health Research Grants Policies for details) will be available to the peer reviewers and will be incorporated in the peer review process. If the proposed project does NOT include EDI principles or considerations, it must be well justified within the application.


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

Internal Deadline

Please submit LOI, along with an OR-5 Form to research.services@uoguelph.ca.

External Deadline

Applicant to submit LOI through proposalCENTRAL online application system.

Internal Deadline

Please submit full proposal to research.services@uoguelph.ca.

External Deadline

Applicant to submit full proposal through proposalCENTRAL online application system.

How to Apply

The Kidney Health Research Grants Competition has moved to an on-line application system. All forms, guidelines and procedures can be found on the proposalCENTRAL website. To apply through this site, you will have to set up a profile, and then search for “Kidney Foundation of Canada” or “Kidney” and fill out the Kidney Health Research Grant application.

Information For Co-applicants

If you need to meet a deadline set by the lead institution for this opportunity, please ensure that you provide the Office of Research with at least five days in advance of the lead institution’s deadline to review the application or your proposed component of the project. Please be in touch with the Office of Research (contact information below) ahead of the deadline if it looks like it will be difficult for you to submit all the required documentation on time (i.e. budget, proposal, OR-5 Form).


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For Questions, please contact

For further information on application submissions, please contact:

Christine Marquis
Research Grants and Awards Manager
Telephone: 438-812-5098 | E-mail: christine.marquis@kidney.ca

Office of Research

Rachel Lee, Senior Grants and Contracts Specialist
Research Services Office

Alert Classifications
Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News

Health and Life Sciences