
Protein Industries Canada (PIC), Innovate UK


Protein Industries Canada (PIC), under $150 million in newly allotted funding from the Government of Canada, is helping foster this collaboration through a second round of technology programs to develop new ingredients, put new products on grocery store shelves and strengthen Canada’s plant-based ecosystem. This opportunity includes a $20M joint call for technology projects in collaboration with Innovate UK. Through the new joint call for projects, consortiums of three organizations, including at least one company from each country, can submit EOIs that support innovation in the development of new plant-based ingredients, foods and feed, as well as projects that enhance taste, texture or nutritional quality of plant-based food and ingredients. With up to $20 million CDN being invested between Protein Industries Canada and Innovate UK, the call will help further ecosystems on both sides of the Atlantic.

Projects may be either solicited or unsolicited. There may be instances when Protein Industries Canada issues a specific call for projects to fill an identified gap. However, companies across the country are encouraged to put forth projects that are aligned with and contribute to the objectives of advancing Canada’s plant-based food and ingredients ecosystem.

Technology projects will have a continued focus on Canada’s plant-based value chain. However, PIC is placing an increased emphasis on ingredient processing, as well as commercialization at every point in the value chain. Four areas of focus for technology projects are as follows:

  1. Genetics – Germplasm development with an aim to improve processing efficiency, quality, sensory characteristics and the development of novel ingredients;
  2. Crops – Technologies to measure and improve on-farm sustainability and information flow along the value chain;
  3. Ingredients – The development, scaling and optimization of plant-based ingredients;
  4. Products – The conversion of Canadian-made ingredients and co-products into consumption-ready goods.

The project application process is made up of two parts:

  1. The Expression of Interest (EOI)
  2. Full Project Proposal

Please read through the Program Guide before beginning the project process. This outlines the program structure and eligibility requirements. Page 15 of the guide outlines the Innovate UK Collaboration Addendum.


To be eligible to submit an EOI, all consortia members must be a member of Protein Industries Canada. For a project to be considered eligible for investment, it must be submitted by a consortium of a minimum of two PIC members, at least one of which is a Small or Medium Enterprise (SME). Universities and academic institutions may be a member of a consortium and receive money to do work via the project. However, universities on their own are not eligible. The research must have a commercial purpose. For complete eligibility please review the above-mentioned Project Eligibility Form.


Funding Availability

PIC will invest more than a $150 million over four years into eligible projects. This opportunity includes a $20M joint call for technology projects in collaboration with Innovate UK. 

Maximum Project Value

There is no set maximum that a project can receive, although Protein Industries Canada will only reimburse up to 45% of reconciled eligible costs. Projects can be submitted as multi-year projects, with the expected annual expenses broken down by year in the proposed budget.

Project Duration

All projects must be complete by March 31, 2026.


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

Internal Deadline

EOIs will be accepted by PIC from Sept 18 to Nov 1, 2023. 

The researcher should submit an OR5 and copy of the EOI to research.services@uoguelph.ca one week prior to the deadline established by PIC.  

External Deadline

Once you’ve completed your EOI and Declaration forms, please submit them by emailing projects@proteinsupercluster.ca.

How to Apply

Once you have reviewed the Project Eligibility Requirements, email projects@proteinsupercluster.ca to set up an introductory call. Following that, you can complete the Expression of Interest (EOI).

Each project should only have one application, and consortia members must work together. Each consortium member will also need to fill out and sign a “Declaration As To Authorization and Compliance.” This document outlines each partner’s compliance with the Government of Canada’s sanctions and applicable Acts and must be complete before moving forward to the second step in our application process. Once you’ve completed your EOI and Declaration forms, please submit them by emailing: projects@proteinsupercluster.ca.

Evaluation of EOIs may result in one of three outcomes:

  1. an invitation may be sent for the consortium to proceed to a Full Project Proposal;
  2. the EOI may be tabled for additional information; or
  3. the EOI may be declined. 

Once an EOI has been approved, it moves to a full Project Proposal. Successful applicants will be notified by email and will be invited to attend a kick-off meeting held via conference call. Project Proposal development will be collaborative between Consortia Members and Protein Industries Canada staff, and Protein Industries Canada will monitor progress regularly. Projects will be evaluated as they are submitted.

For Questions, please contact

For questions about the EOI process, please contact projects@proteinsupercluster.ca

Office of Research

Kaleigh Rajna, Industry Liaison Officer
Research Innovation Office

Rachel Lee, Senior Grants and Contracts Specialist
Research Services Office

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Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News

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