SSHRC and NSERC will continue to accept COVID-19-related grant extensions in-time (without funds) for the 2022 calendar year with the following new stipulations:

  1. Extensions may only continue to be approved for grants in their final year (automatic and other extensions included where applicable). 
  2. If the agency has requested the return of residual funds for a given grant, an extension request will not be accepted and processed.
  3. For grants requesting a third COVID extension in-time, provided the standard eligibility criteria and the new terms above are respected, the grant extension may be approved.
  4. New as of May 9, 2022: NSERC Alliance grant recipients are now entitled to an automatic one-year extension on their NSERC funding.
    Please contact the Office of Research Services (ORS) with the information outlined in the NSERC/SSHRC - COVID-19 Grant Extensions after March 31, 2021 Research Alert ( if:
    1.  An additional extension is required to the NSERC funding beyond the auto-extension period. Please note, recipients may contact ORS during their one-year auto-extension period, to request for an additional extension, on top of the automatic extension, for one calendar year (12 months) in cases of justified extenuating circumstances (i.e., extended leaves of absence during the grant period and/or uncontrollable delays to funded research activities). 
    2.  An extension to the partner agreement/accounts is required past the original end date of the project. Please note, the automatic extension outlined above does not apply to the partner agreements/accounts. If this is required, a formal amendment to the partner agreement will need to be initiated through ORS.

For additional general guidelines and instructions for how to request an extension for eligible grants, please refer to the detailed guidance provided in the NSERC/SSHRC – COVID-19 – Grant Extensions after March 31, 2021 Research Alert. 

Reminder: For Grants that are ineligible to receive an extension through this initiative, a grant amendment form can be submitted with the assistance of Research Financial Services for agency approval.

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