
Genome Canada (via Ontario Genomics)


The Community Coordination and Collaboration Hub (C3 Hub)

For More Information

Please visit the Community Coordination and Collaboration Hub (C3 Hub) Funding Opportunity webpage. 


Ontario Genomics is pleased to announce Genome Canada’s new targeted genomic initiative, Genomic Monitoring[1] of Pathogens in Water (GeMPaW), designed to strengthen, complement and add value to Canada’s existing pathogen monitoring efforts. The Community Coordination and Collaboration Hub (C3 Hub) is the first of three key components that make up the GeMPaW initiative. It will act broadly as a connector, ensuring that data from monitoring antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and emerging pathogens (EPs) are used to inform public policy decisions. Water sources to be monitored in GeMPaW include sewage, wastewater in treatment plants, saltwater, freshwater and groundwater.

The C3 Hub funding opportunity aims to support a single team that will work to enhance Canadian AMR/EP monitoring to support public health planning, decision-making and response and create operational structures and integrated processes to support genomic monitoring efforts across the country. The C3 Hub will support Genome Canada’s AMR/EP regional monitoring projects – expected to launch early 2024 – by developing and implementing a portfolio operation plan to synergize the deliverables of the regional projects toward broader national outcomes and impact.

Specifically, the C3 Hub will:

  1. Develop, coordinate and implement a portfolio operation plan. This plan will include aspects of administration, data, and knowledge mobilization, translation and policy. It will also connect all of the GeMPaW funding opportunities.
  2. Develop the administrative structures to coordinate and co-create data-related activities.
  3. Facilitate the technical development for data generation and data analytics using interoperable data standards for genomic monitoring of pathogens across Canada.
  4. Engage with research, community and public sector users to promote adoption beyond GeMPaW and create evidence-driven policy to support future pandemic responses.

To ensure that the objectives of the funding opportunity are met, all applications must address the evaluation criteria established for the competition (see Appendix 1 of funding opportunity).


Genome Canada funds can only be awarded to individuals affiliated with one or more of the following types of organizations: Canadian universities, colleges and affiliated institutions including research hospitals and research institutes; Not-for-profit organizations (including community or charitable organizations) with an explicit research mandate; Canadian non-federal government departments or agencies.

See C3 Funding Opportunity and Guidelines for Funding Research Projects for complete eligibility requirements.

Funding Availability

  • Only one pan-Canadian team will be funded.
  • Up to $3 million of Genome Canada funding will be available.
  • Co-funding equal to at least the Genome Canada contribution is required.
  • It is expected that 50 per cent of such co-funding will have been secured by the time the Genome Canada funds are released.
  • The term is four years.

Indirect Costs

0% for funding requested from Genome Canada; indirect costs may apply to Receptor (i.e. industry) collaborator(s). Please contact the Office of Research Services at research.services@uoguelph.ca.

Project Duration

Four years.


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

External Deadline

Registration deadline: C3 Hub individual participation – Individual Registration Form

External Deadline

C3 Hub information session and introductory meeting (exact time TBD)

How to Apply

There are three stages involved in the application process:

STAGE 1: Individual participation registration
Individuals interested in participating in a C3 Hub team are invited to submit a registration form and attend a virtual information session. This information session will have a dual purpose: to clarify the C3 Hub goals and to provide interested participants with an opportunity to identify themselves and form teams. All individual registrations will be shared with other registrants before the virtual information session.

STAGE 2: Team intent to apply
Following the information session, prospective C3 Hub leaders must indicate their intent to apply as a team, through their regional Genome Centre.

STAGE 3: Full application
To be eligible, applications must address the required elements for the C3 Hub. A committee with expertise in the areas of the GeMPaW initiative will review each full application, assess the merit of the application(s) and provide strategic advice and recommendations related to the team’s ability to execute the key objectives of the C3 Hub. The review process may be adjusted where warranted by the complexity of the funding opportunity or other relevant factors. Any changes will be communicated promptly through Genome Canada’s website and the Genome Centres.

Submission deadlines are to be finalized and will be updated once communicated. Please visit the Community Coordination and Collaboration Hub (C3 Hub) Funding Opportunity webpage for up to date information and deadlines. 

Information For Co-applicants

If you need to meet a deadline set by the lead institution for this opportunity, please ensure that you provide the Office of Research with at least five days in advance of the lead institution’s deadline to review the application, or your proposed component of the project. Please be in touch with the Office of Research (contact information below) ahead of the deadline if it looks like it will be difficult for you to submit all the required documentation on time (i.e. budget, proposal, OR-5 Form).

For Questions, please contact

Ontario Genomics contact: lriley@ontariogenomics.ca

Office of Research

Devon Staaf, Senior Grants and Contracts Specialist
Research Services Office

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