
Canadian Institutes of Health Research


The IA's Betty Havens Prize for Knowledge Mobilization in Aging is an attestation of the importance that the IA places on mobilizing research findings into useful knowledge for all stakeholders.

This prize honors Betty Havens, a leading gerontologist committed to improving the lives of seniors, with notable achievements in health services research on the aging process. She created one of the world's richest research infrastructures — the Aging in Manitoba Study (AIM) — used both across Canada and internationally. Betty Havens carried out her research while she was a full-time policy maker, acting as a research director, provincial gerontologist, and, ultimately, Assistant Deputy Minister of Community and Long-Term Care in Manitoba. Her research continues to influence the creation of policy today. Throughout her 30-year career, Betty Havens made substantial achievements and accomplishments as a decision maker, researcher, communicator, supporter of students, and mentor of young scholars.

Program details and timeline are not yet confirmed. This information will be updated when the program launches.


For a nomination to be eligible:

  • The nominee must be an individual, team or organization.
  • While CIHR funding is not a pre-requisite for eligibility of the nominees for the prize, CIHR expects that the exemplary KM activities of nominated individuals, teams or organizations will normally have attracted external merit-based funding.
  • Members of the CIHR Governing Council, CIHR Scientific Directors and CIHR staff are not eligible for this prize.
  • Candidates may be nominated on more than one occasion provided that they continue to meet the eligibility requirements. Nominations that were not successful in a previous Betty Havens Prize competition may be nominated by submitting a new full nomination with recent updates on impact.
  • The Betty Havens Prize can be received by an individual, team or organization only once.

Anyone with direct knowledge of the contribution of the nominee(s) can nominate the individual, team or organization for this prize. Nominators can be colleagues or any organization(s) or individual(s) who have benefited from the nominee's activities. CIHR welcomes nominations from either individuals, teams or organizations working in Canada in the health field, including:

  • Health planners, managers, policy makers and administrators
  • Health practitioners
  • Independent health researchers
  • Not-for-profit organizations with a research or knowledge translation mandate including professional associations
  • Public health or public policy officials
  • Groups representing survivors of, or patients with, a specific health problem that is within the priorities of the Institute of Aging.


The total amount available for this funding opportunity is $20,000, enough to fund one prize.

Special Notes

Please note that research activities carried out in the context of COVID-19 need to adhere to the University of Guelph COVID-19 research principles, policies, guidelines and processes as they may be updated from time to time and communicated on the Office of Research web-page.


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

External Deadline

Nominations must be submitted through the online portal found on the ResearchNet website. Please also send a copy of the nomination and an OR-5 to research.services@uoguelph.ca.

How to Apply

Applications can be submitted through the online portal found on the ResearchNet website. Please also send a copy of the nomination and an OR-5 to research.services@uoguelph.ca by the external deadline.

For More Information

For more information please contact support-soutien@cihr-irsc.gc.ca or research.honours@uoguelph.ca. Please also visit the CIHR Betty Havens Prize web-page.

Alert Classifications
Honours and Awards

Health and Life Sciences