CIFAR invites experts to submit abstracts proposing a policy brief discussing the societal, political, legal and/or ethical challenges of AI’s expanding role in society. Reports will be published, disseminated and promoted by CIFAR throughout 2023. The policy brief will be published in CIFAR AI Insights and selected authors may receive a small honourarium.

Potential Themes:

  • responsible AI;
  • AI for Health;
  • AI for energy and environment;

Key audiences include policymakers, researchers, regulators, private sector leaders, journalists, and members of the interested public.


  • Authors must be affiliated with a Canadian post-secondary or other research institution, or a public or private-sector entity with a significant AI presence in Canada.
  • Co-authors (but not lead authors) can be part of a government agency.
  • Honouraria are not presented to authors whose primary employment is in the private-sector.
  • Abstracts may be submitted by a maximum of 4 authors. Collaborations from different disciplines are encouraged.

Abstracts must be emailed to with the subject line "Abstract for CIFAR AI Insights" by December 12, 2022 at 11:59 p.m.

For more information, contact Please also see the call for abstracts on the CIFAR AI & Society webpage.


PDF icon AIPolBrAbstractGuidelines_EN.pdf320.31 KB
Alert Classifications
Knowledge Mobilization and Commercialization

Health and Life Sciences
Information and Communications Technology
Physical Sciences and Engineering
Social Sciences