
Brain Canada and the ALS Canada


The vision of ALS Canada is to achieve “a world free of ALS”, and the vision of Brain Canada is “Bold science for brain health”. To build momentum for continued pursuance of new treatments and a better understanding of the disease through the end of the decade and beyond, it is imperative that promising young investigators are nurtured into a career focused on ALS research. This program will identify and engage rising stars pursuing innovative research in labs and academic institutions in Canada. This award has the long-term goal of developing the next generation of scientists across various disciplines within basic and clinical sciences, contributing to knowledge generation and translation in ALS.

To fulfil this mission, ALS Canada and Brain Canada will provide a three (3) year award to support a talented young investigator to pursue advanced research and transition into a junior faculty position at a Canadian institution. The expectation is that this additional training will allow award recipients to increase their knowledge and skills, thereby enhancing continuation of their career in ALS-related research and improving their competitiveness for a junior faculty position in Canada. Successful candidates will expand their research horizons and develop independence to become a leader in the field in a manner that sets them apart from their mentor(s).


The intent of this award is for ALS Canada and Brain Canada to support a promising postdoctoral fellow or Research Associate working at a Canadian institution to transition into an independent position contributing to ALS research. By the time of the funding start date, the applicant should be ready to transition within the next 2-3 years. The applicant must have a PhD; applicants with an MD are also eligible but need to explain why, based on their project and future career plans, the Clinical Research Fellowship is not the appropriate avenue to seek support from ALS Canada and Brain Canada. The postdoctoral portion may be carried out in the individual’s current institution, or another institution approved by ALS Canada and Brain Canada. 

Non-Canadian citizens or permanent residents training in Canadian labs are eligible to apply, but if awarded, would need to demonstrate they are eligible to work/study in Canada for the duration of the requested funding. All applicants will have demonstrated contributions to research which may or may not have related directly to ALS but proposed future training must be ALS-related. The applicant, either at the postdoctoral or Research Associate level, must demonstrate clear evidence of independent research, showing intellectual contributions to research through their publication and presentation record. 

Maximum Project Value

The award will be for up to three (3) years for a total of $250,000 CAD. Each year, ALS Canada and Brain Canada will provide a $60,000 salary and $20,000 research allowance, with $30,000 for research allowance in year three.

Year three funding will begin upon achieving an independent position at a qualifying Canadian institution, defined according to CIHR guidelines. This may be deferred for up to one year to allow for additional time in securing a position. The intent of year three funding is to provide modest incentive for competitive hiring. If an independent position is achieved in the first two years, the remainder of the three-year award will be provided to the recipient as junior faculty. If an independent position is secured at an institution outside of Canada, the applicant would no longer be eligible for year three funding.

Year three funding at the faculty level is contingent upon receipt of:

  • A signed letter of offer from the institution where the faculty position will be held, indicating the start date
  • Report indicating successes leading to faculty position (limit 2 pages)

Indirect Costs


Special Notes

The opportunity is meant for postdocs/research associates. If a UG applicant is successful, grants funds will need to be formally held by the faculty supervisor (faculty eligible to hold funds).


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

Internal Deadline

Applicant to submit a copy of application along with a complete OR5 form to research.services@uoguelph.ca

External Deadline

Complete applications should be submitted via email to the ALS Canada Research Team (research@als.ca), as a single PDF file by 1:00 pm ET on August 19, 2024. Applicants should request delivery and read receipts. An email acknowledging receipt of the application will be sent.

How to Apply

For details on the application process and required documents please refer to the attached Terms of Reference: ALS Canada-Brain Canada Career Transition Award 2024.


PDF icon ALS-Canada-Brain-Canada-Career-Transition-Award-2024-ToR_EN_Final.pdf274.58 KB
For Questions, please contact

ALS Canada: research@als.ca

Brain Canada Foundation: programs@braincanada.ca

Office of Research

Ariah Easley, Awards & Agreements Officer
Research Services Office

Alert Classifications
Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News

Health and Life Sciences