Updated Information
  • Internal deadline changed from March 10, 2017 to March 17, 2017.
  • External deadline changed from March 17, 2017 to March 24, 2107.
  • See special notes for updated information.
  • External contact has changed.


Ontario Ministry of Transportation


2017 Highway Infrastructure Innovation Funding Program (HIIFP)

For More Information

Materials for 2017 Highway Infrastructure Innovation Funding Program

  • Guidelines
  • Application Form
  • Research Proposal Summary
  • Budget Summary
  • Progress Report Template
  • Technical Report Template


The Highway Infrastructure Innovation Funding Program (HIIFP) provides funding to Ontario universities and colleges to encourage applied research in topics related to transportation infrastructure in Ontario.  This program solicits research proposals from institutions to assist the Ministry in meeting current and future challenges, and to encourage undergraduate and graduate research in transportation and infrastructure related engineering.  The HIIFP challenges Ontario's academic community to contribute to transportation infrastructure solutions in a number of areas including traffic operations, intelligent transportation systems, engineering materials, investment planning, highway design, environmental, geomatics, bridges, construction and maintenance.

Indirect Costs


Special Notes

Two important amendments are hereby made to the 2017-18 HIIFP Program Guide:

  1. The due date for submissions is amended from March 17 to March 24, 2017, at 2:30 pm.
  2. Submissions will be accepted either in the format stated in the Guide (hard copy plus CD or USB) or alternatively, as attachments to an email in lieu of hard copy and CD or USB.  Details for email submission are provided below.
  • The subject line of the email must state:  HIIFP submission Topic # (or Open Topic).  
  • Files attached to the email must be named as follows:  Topic 2017-xx Principal Investigator Name.
    • Example: Topic 2017-31 Smith.pdf  or  Topic 2017-31 Smith.doc.
  • If separate files are used for different documents, the document name should be included in the file name. 
    • Example: Topic 2017-31 Perchanok Attach B.pdf. 
    • The maximum file size for incoming email is 10Mb.   If it is necessary to split a document into more than one file, or to send more than one email, add Part 1, Part 2, etc. to the file name or the subject line.

A notification of receipt will be provided but the Ministry will not accept responsibility for email or hardcopy submissions that are not received by the deadline, whether through fault of our system or otherwise.  You are strongly encouraged to send your submission ahead of the deadline to ensure that it is received. 

Hard copy submissions should be sent to the attention of:

Max Perchanok,
c/o Division Services Office
Provincial Highways Management Division
Ministry of Transportation
301 St. Paul Street, 4th floor
St. Catharines, ON L2R 7R4

Email submissions should be sent to:  max.perchanok@ontario.ca

Please include the Topic Number in the subject line of any ongoing email correspondence concerning HIIFP projects.


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

Internal Deadline
External Deadline

How to Apply

Submit your proposal and signed OR5 form to the Office of Research email address before the internal deadline.  Email:  resserv@uoguelph.ca.  Your proposal will be reviewed and signed and a fully executed copy will be emailed back to you before the external deadline.

For Questions, please contact

Max Perchanok,
c/o Division Services Office
Provincial Highways Management Division
Ministry of Transportation
301 St. Paul Street, 4th floor
St. Catharines, ON
2R 7R4

Office of Research

Linda McCorkindale, Contracts Officer
Research Services Office
519-824-4120 x56257

Alert Classifications
Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News

Health and Life Sciences
Information and Communications Technology
Physical Sciences and Engineering
Social Sciences